Thread Number: 65
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Post# 44914   9/11/2004 at 23:09 (7,258 days old) by Cadman (Cedar Falls, IA)        

cadman's profile picture
Hey Guys,

So I started doing some snooping around town, circled Lowes, hit the local appliance stores, and didn't find anything to get excited about.

Then today, sparked by a conversation, I remembered a semi-defunct auto wrecker that had a few applicances last time I was there (years ago). So a quick drive over, and would you believe it, this place picks up all the appliances from the dealers, the chain stores, and from the nearby cities' recycling initiatives! This is where the crushing and baling takes place.

So I walked and talked with the owner and mentioned what I was interested in, and while we walked, I spotted a Flair range, lots of 40's/50's doorless fridges (white) and even the aluminum lazy-suzan shelves from a GE fridge that had recently departed; they were in the alum scrap pile. Most of the washers were 70's and newer, some harvest, some coppertone, lots of white. He said that it wasn't that unusual to see the older stuff come in.

But! A semi-load comes in later this week from a neighboring town and I get first dibs! Talk about a nice guy-

Between the pile of washer/dryer/fridges and the compressed bales there were hundreds of machines. If it's turquoise, it's coming with me, but I'll be keeping my eyes out for you guys too. And...he reclaims TV's : )


Post# 44915 , Reply# 1   9/11/2004 at 23:15 (7,258 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
That's a very good find Cory! Please keep up posted.

Post# 44930 , Reply# 2   9/12/2004 at 05:42 (7,257 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Sounds like you made a friend for life! Just hope the machines aren't too badly damaged when they come in.


Post# 44932 , Reply# 3   9/12/2004 at 08:36 (7,257 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
how cool

christfr's profile picture
i wish there was something like that here in st louis. im still waiting to find that pot of gold. hope something fun comes your way!!!

Post# 45107 , Reply# 4   9/14/2004 at 17:27 (7,255 days old) by Cadman (Cedar Falls, IA)        

cadman's profile picture
Well, today I had a look around the place and climbed through a semi trailer of various washers, stoves and 80's dishwashers.

All I came away with were badges from a Philco in an awesome font that read "Advanced Design" from the freezer door of a fridge.

What I spotted-

A Kenmore 900 with "Electronic Sensor" and the large squarish buttons and very tactile timer knob, unfortunately good only for parts thanks to how these things were tossed around, this one was in a pile near the crusher

2 Harvest Gold coin-op washers, Maytag IIRC.

And one dishwasher that I know someone on the forum owns- Kitchenaid by Hobart with a center mount vertical chrome lever, the front in stainless. Neat machine, but the lower stainless panel that hides the mechnicals was gone. The functional workings appeared very clean; didn't get to see the inside as this was sitting in a pile too.

The neatest item was a Philco fridge with translucent green shelves, in very cleanable condition, just a tad too small for the modern home.

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