Thread Number: 661
larger pully
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Post# 50410   12/3/2004 at 22:40 (7,351 days old) by man316dara ()        

does anyone know wherei might find a bigger motor pully for a whirlpool washer,looking to in crease spin speed

Post# 50418 , Reply# 1   12/4/2004 at 03:25 (7,350 days old) by SactoTeddyBear ()        
Re: Larger Pulley:

I could be wrong, but wouldn't there be some other factor's to be thought out about how to increase the Spin Speed of a "BD" WP/Kenmore Washer? I'm also interested to know an answer just as "FYI" to know what if anything could be done to increase the Spin Speed of the older "BD" WP/Kenmore Washer's.

Peace and best to everyone, Steve

Post# 50419 , Reply# 2   12/4/2004 at 05:37 (7,350 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
WP/KM spin speeds

The easy way would be to go to a larger motor pully BUT, then the power transmitted to the gearcase and basket drive would be decreased, which could possibly cause a problem with large loads, and the SPM of the agitator would also be increased, which may not be good for the gearcase. The only other way is to incread the size of the basket drive pulley, but that pulley is not standard, it's also used as a clutch surface so it would be hard to find a different diameter one. And again, the speed of the basket would be increased, but the torque transmitted to the basket would decrease, possibly posing a problem spinning heavy loads.

Post# 50422 , Reply# 3   12/4/2004 at 07:51 (7,350 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

I think W/P used to make a 50 megahertz motor pulley for over seas operation on 50 cycle power. Part # escapes me at the moment. For a faster spin you would want a smaller motor pulley.

Post# 50423 , Reply# 4   12/4/2004 at 10:15 (7,350 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

I forget who told me this but I think you can machine down the spin pulley so that you can have a better spin and keep the spm on the agitator.

Post# 50428 , Reply# 5   12/4/2004 at 12:47 (7,350 days old) by fixerman ()        

Coldspot66, I think a larger drive pulley would be correct to increase spin speed. If you think of the drive sprocket on a bicycle, The pedal sprocket is much larger than the wheel sprocket, so for each revolution of the pedal the wheel turns many times thus the wheel turns more revolutions than the pedal sprocket. Thus if the motor pulley was increased to the same size as the spin pulley, the spin pulley would turn at the same rpm's the motor, usually 1725 rpm's. Of course this would not be physically possible but you get the Idea.

Post# 50434 , Reply# 6   12/4/2004 at 15:33 (7,350 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
No,Coldspot66 has it right. Think of a 10 speed bicycle,with 5 gears at the rear wheel. The largest gear is the slowest,with a lot of torque,but the smallest gear is for speed,at the same pedal RPM.


Post# 50437 , Reply# 7   12/4/2004 at 17:35 (7,350 days old) by fixerman ()        

I still think I am right. The drive pulley (Motor pulley) being the smaller one moves one revolution while the driven pulley (Spin pulley) turns slower. If the drive pulley is reduced in size, it will turn more RPM's but will slow the driven pulley down since it will take more revolutions of the drive pulley to move the driven pulley one revolution. More torque but less speed to the driven pulley. I will concede the bicycle analagy may not have been a goood one. I am not an engineer to be sure and most certainly could be wrong but this seems logical to me.

Post# 50440 , Reply# 8   12/4/2004 at 18:01 (7,350 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

My reasoning for the small pulley is on the belt driven W/P Portable washer you notice it uses a smaller diameter wheel on the superstructure run by the back of the drive belt. That machine spins at about 800 rpm's, no? I always thought a smaller pulley spins faster.If you notice also on thefull size belt drive washer, the motor pulley and pump pulley spin the fastest, while the tranny pulley & superstructure pulley spin slower. Am I making sense?

Post# 50444 , Reply# 9   12/4/2004 at 18:24 (7,350 days old) by fixerman ()        

Here is a calculator. Put the diameter of the drive pulley at 2 and the driven pulley 5 and rpm's 1725 and check the rpm's of the driven pulley. If you input smaller diameter drive pulley size, the RPM's of the driven pulley gets smaller.


Post# 50451 , Reply# 10   12/4/2004 at 22:22 (7,350 days old) by Jeff_adelphi (Adelphi, Maryland, USA)        

jeff_adelphi's profile picture
To increase spin speed you need to have a larger motor pulley or a smaller spin/clutch pulley. If you go with a larger motor pulley you will increase both agitator and spin speed. A smaller spin/clutch pulley will effect only the spin speed, but it's much harder to change this pulley. My brother John has a Kenmore washer with a modified spin pulley that spins much faster and works fine, but sometimes walkes a little with off ballanced loads. Jeff

Post# 50502 , Reply# 11   12/6/2004 at 09:05 (7,348 days old) by man316dara ()        

thank`s for all the wonder info guy`s

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