Thread Number: 662
A trip to the Laundromat... |
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Post# 50429 , Reply# 1   12/4/2004 at 13:32 (7,349 days old) by Doityrselfguy ()   |   | |
Austin, nice pictures. I'm surprised an attendant didn't stop you! I had that same Maytag in the basement of my first apartment building. Pete |
Post# 50435 , Reply# 2   12/4/2004 at 15:49 (7,349 days old) by appnut (TX)   |   | |
Austin, you were using a true ol' fashion (to you) maytag top loader. Similar to what I used in 1973 in my college dorm. I've only seen agitators like that (with the cap) in a tv shot about a very large family--they showed their tags being used. The ones in my dorm and other laundries I've seen had a slight ringed opening where you'd have put the filter cartridge in. Yes, and that "side" fill was standard & typical of a maytag until the Dependable Care debuted in 1993/94. Yes, I still long for that long, slower stroke. Ahh the good ol' days. Bob
Post# 50441 , Reply# 5   12/4/2004 at 18:04 (7,349 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)   |   | |
The Whirlpool Surgilator agitator with the 14lb tub really swept the clothes through the water too! I am talking belt drive washer. |
Post# 50443 , Reply# 6   12/4/2004 at 18:14 (7,349 days old) by Agiflow ()   |   | |
It has been years since i have seen a bd surgilator in action. I kind of forget what they were like.I would love to see an old bd whirly or km in action again. Pat |
Post# 50453 , Reply# 7   12/4/2004 at 23:46 (7,348 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)   |   | |
I have to add my 2 cents worth.. I have 4 maytags(2 wringers, a '56 highlander) and a Dependable Care, new from '95.(Bob has a matching dryer to my Dependable care washer) I have to agree whole heartedly, that the wringers and the '56 washer, move clothes MUCH MORE thoroughly, with the long stroke, with straight vanes than my '95 Dependable care washer short stroke, with straight vane powerfin hands down!! As far as Im concerned, straight vanes in older Maytag, Kenmores, and Whirlpools are the best, period. Rich |
Post# 50485 , Reply# 9   12/5/2004 at 20:37 (7,348 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)   |   | |
I don't think there are energy standards for motors, per se. It prolly will be the same as what you have. Are you running the washer from a long extension cord? or on a circuit with other motors running, like a freezer or refrig? |