Thread Number: 666
Westinghouse...Different By Design......Original Design Documents for sale via-Flea-Bay!!!
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Post# 50455   12/5/2004 at 02:01 (7,173 days old) by programcomputer (Ann Arbor Michigan, USA)        

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So here are a few vintage prints available on e-bay... The first one being a 1940 (never used design), the second a 1950 update (never used) , then the third is a design that (was used) for the Commercial Laundromat.

Hope you enjoy them.....They are listed under "westinghouse laundry". If you want to bid on them....


Post# 50456 , Reply# 1   12/5/2004 at 02:05 (7,173 days old) by programcomputer (Ann Arbor Michigan, USA)        
Heres the 1951 Commercial Laundromat Design

programcomputer's profile picture
This tells who penned the design and when it was patented...

Post# 50457 , Reply# 2   12/5/2004 at 02:06 (7,173 days old) by programcomputer (Ann Arbor Michigan, USA)        
Now onto a Home Version Laundromat Design....Never Used

programcomputer's profile picture
Okay this one was penned by yet a different designer but was not used....

Post# 50458 , Reply# 3   12/5/2004 at 02:08 (7,173 days old) by programcomputer (Ann Arbor Michigan, USA)        
And yet another (unused) design.............

programcomputer's profile picture
This one shows how the "twins" would look side by side as well as a frontal view. Apparently Westinghouse was on the ball back then in keeping it's machines fresh and current...too bad about a decade later they kept the same basic design from 1960-63 for their Laundromat's.....

Post# 50459 , Reply# 4   12/5/2004 at 02:09 (7,173 days old) by programcomputer (Ann Arbor Michigan, USA)        
Im stupid apparently...

programcomputer's profile picture
I listed them all backweards....GO ME!!!!!


Post# 50463 , Reply# 5   12/5/2004 at 08:57 (7,173 days old) by JEtcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture
I see nothing here did you paste the pics into the message or is my computer being bad today??

Post# 50464 , Reply# 6   12/5/2004 at 09:04 (7,173 days old) by JEtcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Found it

jetcone's profile picture
Here is one of them :

Type in "Westinghouse Designs Washer" and they will come up.



Post# 50465 , Reply# 7   12/5/2004 at 09:05 (7,173 days old) by JEtcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture
Thats "Westinghouse Designs Laundry" If anybody wants copies I can get them for postage and paper costs.


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