Thread Number: 67
Kitchenaid KDC 14
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Post# 44922   9/11/2004 at 23:55 (7,257 days old) by steve1-18 (Grovetown (Augusta), GA)        

I picked this machine up last weekend, about the time the club format was updated, so don't know how many of you saw the link. This is my first time creating a new thread and posting pictures, so bear with me.

This dishwasher resembles the Hobart under counter machines.

I did a dry run and all seems to be functioning well, so this afternoon, added water. It ran fine. There are three issues with this machine:

1> The fill valve was missing.

2> There was some rust where the [cast iron] gravity drain was connected to the 'house' plumbing.

3> When the drain solenoid is engaged [the drain is closed] the water drips out very slowly. Not enough to make a difference on the wash or rinse cycles.

Was a very quiet, fast machine. Would need a good instant supply of very hot water since there is no internal water heater.



Post# 44923 , Reply# 1   9/12/2004 at 00:29 (7,257 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Steve, that's a beauty you have there. The fill valve is easily replaced with any standard KitchenAid replacement valve. The rust I wouldn't worry about, exposed cast iron rusts normally. You should also be able to take apart the drain valve and clean it, if that doesn't help I bet you can get a generic KitchenAid drain valve for the later models that should work just fine in this machine.

Post# 44929 , Reply# 2   9/12/2004 at 05:13 (7,257 days old) by partycycle ()        

Steve thanks for posting those terrific KA pictures again. I didn’t know how to go back since website upgrade. Listen to Robert he knows. You both have fantastic beloved KA’s. Your kitchens will be fabulous!!!

Post# 44933 , Reply# 3   9/12/2004 at 08:40 (7,257 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
youll love this machine

christfr's profile picture
youll really love this machine when you done tinkering with it. i have on with a stainless front and i love it. they really do run strong an quick cycle. i am still amazed how quiet the machine really is. great find i know youll enjoy it.

Post# 44951 , Reply# 4   9/12/2004 at 20:04 (7,257 days old) by jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Oh Steve that inside is Georgeous!

jetcone's profile picture
Woweee what a find hold onto it! They clean like nothing else! Steve don't worry about the drip from the cast iron drain valve. As you use it, it will seal up on its own and not drip, mine took about a month before it sealed right up. You have to be careful with that drain valve the original early ones were designed to be taken apart and fixed but the later ones have a grooving on the valve stem that if you take it apart will cause the valve to continually leak upon reassembly. I wouldn't touch it if it works, I'll scan the section on the valve and send it to you as a pdf.

Ohh don't you just love the "clunk to clean" feature??!! I do!


Post# 44952 , Reply# 5   9/12/2004 at 20:15 (7,257 days old) by jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Rack envy!

jetcone's profile picture
Did I mention that I have Rrrrrrack Envy!


Post# 45890 , Reply# 6   9/27/2004 at 12:36 (7,242 days old) by Ebulldog ()        

We had this exact same machine when I was a kid growing up in the 1950's in rural Wisconsin. I remember being the first family in our small town to own a dishwasher in 1956. My mother got her Kitchenaid first in 1956, then her two sisters bought similar updated models in 1957/58. I remember them all comparing their Kitchenaids! Ours had the gravity drain, no detergent cup. However my aunt's had a new features: a pump drain and when you started the machine it first ran the water for a minute while it pumped it out to get the water hot! If you ever want to sell it let me know. Tom

Post# 45894 , Reply# 7   9/27/2004 at 14:32 (7,242 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        
spotted on HBO too...

gansky1's profile picture
Has anyone seen the show "Family Bonds" on HBO Sunday nights? In the father's office (All City Bail Bonds) there is this same dishwasher in the kitchen/breakroom. Watch for it - the show is a riot too!

Post# 45902 , Reply# 8   9/27/2004 at 17:26 (7,242 days old) by partycycle ()        

Steve, indeed thanks again for posting those marvelous photos. I too, wasn’t sure as to how to access them. What a beauty! Congratulations. Hope all goes well with it. Initially I had “bad hate” for you. Being psychologically evolved enough that has changed to “good hate” for you. Ha. Ha. Just kidding.

Want to see your KA predecessor? Go to website “vintage fun stuff” - automatic dishwashing KA KD-11 circa 1955-57. Note KA first rack configuration. Bottom rack small plates were to be loaded in slots on left/right side facing inward. Top rack didn’t have the fold down cup “stabilizer”.

Yep, I am all too old enough to remember that exact machine. Great Great Aunt Musetta’s. She was a “pisser” that lived until 100 and with that dw too! First in small Indiana farm town to have a dw and it was installed what we now refer to as “waist high“. Vintage advertisements for KA offered that installation as a feature back then. She also had a 53’ GE Mobile Maid portable “plumbed-in” permanently beside enormous wall mounted porcelain cast iron sink in her country “cottage” kitchen.

You might have noticed the error in the first CR article on dw. There is a picture labeled as a Hot Point dw. Even Ray Charles and Helen Keller could tell that is a KA.

Keep in touch about how it is working? Thanks. Christian

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