Thread Number: 673
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Post# 50498   12/6/2004 at 07:14 (7,172 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

This weekend I rescued two different front-loaders. Firstly a WCI Model#LT570AXWI (of course I was dissapointed it was not a "true" Westy, but I just could'nt leave her to the krusher. She appears by the (cheesy) appearance of her console to be a late '70's or early '80's. Can anyone tell from the model number? ALSO I went to visit a new contact who does appliance repair. He has a large warehouse with an interesting assortment of stuff including a Double-Wide GE Monitor (certainly the oldest side-by-side I ever saw!) refrigerator the likes of which I have never seen before. It had been taken from a doctor's estate 40 or so years ago and just left there in the warehouse. I digress, anyway I came away from there with a GE COMBO! Model #DWD8600UCLWH. How do I tell the vintage of these machines? I have the serial numbers also, they are as follows: WCI is #LBJ23710 and the GE COMBO is TI 400 886G. Would appreciate any light anyone can shed on figuring out their vintages. Both cleaned up well cosmetically. The WCI has many rust issues and someone did a poor job of trying to seal a leak at the bottom of the window, sloppily shmearing silicone sealant all over it. But the insides of the tub and inside the cabinet looks very clean and in good consition. The GE COMBO also cleaned up beautifuly. The insides of the tub show abuse. There are many rust spots as though the porcelain had been chipped all over. Will have to figure out what to do about that----remove the tub and sand-blast, then re-porcelain? Took the back panel off and she is dusty and dirty. Large pulley has a dusty coating of surface rust that could easily be wiped off. Belts LOOK good but-----machine has sat it that warehouse for over 20 years so who knows. I am sure those belts are hard to find so I hope I can make them work. Mice had a high-time setting up shop in the bleach and fabric softener dispensers, a nasty job to clean those out.(Dis-Spray to the rescue!) I have not yet plugged in either one. I will test the WCI first. The GE COMBO needs a good cleaning first-----and does anyone have any pointers about getting her ready to test. Do I need to start lubricating things---and what about the motor? Any special precautions? The old repairman I got it from could not remember if it came to him with any ailments as too much time has passed, so I will have to cross that bridge as I go. Strangely the glass porthole in the door has FROSTED glass like an old thick glass shower door. Now I don't remember that at all. The one in my old condo back in the '70's had a clear glass window. But this frosted one appears to be original, but heah, what do I know from an old combo. I will beg information from you guys who are the experts in these matters! Many thanks for your help!--Steve

Post# 50511 , Reply# 1   12/6/2004 at 15:18 (7,172 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        
About the GE Combo

If any of you folks know where I can get another door for this thing with a clear glass porthole please let me know. I wonder if the under-counter type's door would be interchangeable with mine? That is a rectangular (but clear) window. Many thanks! --Steve

Post# 50514 , Reply# 2   12/6/2004 at 17:09 (7,172 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Congrats on the Combo, based on the model and serial numbers you gave and the sketchy GE stuff I have, I think this is from around 70-72.

On my Maytag combo door, I used a little goof-off (mineral oil based) and a razor blade to remove most of the hard water and soap film.

I have even less info for WCI stuff so I can't help with dating the other machine you found - did you try calling Electrolux?

What is Dis-Spray??

Congrats again - keep us posted on the trial run!

Post# 50515 , Reply# 3   12/6/2004 at 18:38 (7,172 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        
Reply to Ganski-----

Thanks--I have some "Goof-Off and it does work well at removing all kinds of things. I am surprised that machine is that new---I can't remember how long GE had that type of console, but I'll take your word for it. I have not yet contacted Electrolux, but I will just to see how old that thing is. Ooops---the "Dis-Spray" no longer meets OSHA requirements----a wonderful embalmers disinfectant---no longer available (except for a few of us Funeral Service Professionals who had the foresight to stash some!) kills all known cooties on this planet. Thanks for the info! -Steve

Post# 50516 , Reply# 4   12/6/2004 at 18:58 (7,172 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Wow Steve!!!

Post# 50552 , Reply# 5   12/7/2004 at 13:28 (7,171 days old) by Brent-Aucoin ()        
Way to go Steve!

Great find!
I am so excited about your GE Combo! What color is it?
Can't wait to see it!

Post# 50557 , Reply# 6   12/7/2004 at 16:20 (7,171 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        
Reply to Brent----

Blanco. I am headed to Virginia and Maryland on Thurs. I'll call when I return----will be time for a wash-a-rama! --Steve

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