Thread Number: 674
whirlpool imperial 70 bang`s into spin
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Post# 50503   12/6/2004 at 09:12 (7,371 days old) by man316dara ()        

a friend called and said his whirlpool washer had stopped spining, so i put a new wig-wag on and new plungers,but when we fired it up it now makes a horrible bang noise going into spin,we had to tighten the belt too, but i don`t think this wound have done anything,i made sure not to come into contact with the cam bars so not to bend them,after looking at transmission,nothing out of line and nothing bent,is the tranny going,and it sounds normal going into wash no bang at all only in spin,does she need a new tranny???
thanks for the help

Post# 50504 , Reply# 1   12/6/2004 at 11:02 (7,371 days old) by fixerman ()        

This is sometimes caused by a sticky spin actuator rod. The rod that the cam bar goes through. To check it lay the machine on the front and pushing up on the spin plunger while turning the trans pulley until the cam bar has moved as far as it can go. You should now be able to push up on the rod to see if it sticks at all. It should spring back smoothly when pushed on. Also look for corrosion on the rod from a leak. Shoot a little WD40 on it and see if it helps. This is the first thing to try. If it doesn't help then further investigation will be necessary.

Post# 50505 , Reply# 2   12/6/2004 at 11:27 (7,371 days old) by man316dara ()        

thank you,i`m going to try that now

Post# 50656 , Reply# 3   12/8/2004 at 22:41 (7,369 days old) by wigwag (San Diego)        
the tension bar on the wigwag

Sounds like the clamp that holds the cam bars down might be loose. If they are loose the pressure from spin mechanism will cause the spin cam bar to slam back into the motor thus the BANG!

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