Thread Number: 678
Gibson history
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Post# 50524   12/6/2004 at 21:03 (7,172 days old) by gregm ()        

Does anyone know when Gibson started and for how long they "ran" or were making appliances ?? Do they still ?? Did they start out and specialize in refrigeration ?? I think WCI made there washers in the 70's and 80's is this true ?? Who made there dryers ? stoves ? dishwashers (D&M ?) I have what I think is a 1960 Gibson AC which I was working on tonight and one of the neat features that only Gibson made on there AC's was the ability to completely close the louvers on the "return" back to the living space so that you could open the vent/exhaust and literally pull the air right out of the room. I personally have NEVER used a vent or exhaust feature on an AC, they are much "bigger" on the older models, that is for sure. Sorry to go off on a tangeon, hehe ......... I will be posting another question about compressors in the super forum.

Post# 50531 , Reply# 1   12/6/2004 at 22:45 (7,172 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Personally I'd like to know when Gibson started manufacturing washers & dryers.

Post# 50560 , Reply# 2   12/7/2004 at 16:53 (7,171 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
There's some info here.The only Gibson laundry I'm familiar with is WCI based.
On a sidenote,Electrolux,who now owns Gibson,announced the closing lsat year,of the old Gibson Refrigerator plant,in Greenville MI.



Post# 50569 , Reply# 3   12/7/2004 at 18:36 (7,171 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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Speaking of which, Electrolux (Frigidaire) is closing their refrigeration/freezer plant in St. Cloud, Minnesota, too. More outsourcing! I think they're going to China or Mexico or something. Sad, very sad.

Post# 50571 , Reply# 4   12/7/2004 at 18:48 (7,171 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Forgot to mention that I used to have a Gibson fridge, freezer and front-loading washer and dryer (all early 90's). They were all WCI. The washer was the first generation not to have the loud solenoid SNAP going into the spin cycle. And it still had the Westinghouse groovy tub light. No dispensers, which made life interesting. It would buzz when it reached the final rinse and you'd have to open the door and add the softener. The machine came with a big pitcher you'd use to dilute the bleach and pour it in after it had filled for the wash cycle.

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