Thread Number: 67874  /  Tag: Wringer Washers
Something new has been added! Tarting up my Maytag
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Post# 905708   11/6/2016 at 15:42 (2,819 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Sometime back a link was posted to a person out west with an advert on CL featuring NOS Maytag and SQ wringer washer parts. Not having such a thing back then didn't pay much attention, but now that one owns a Maytag wringer...

Went back and forth with the guy via emails in terms of what one wanted, and here I am with these!

The turquoise is NOS, but wanted and the guy had a "used" agitator with lint filter/detergent dispenser so took that as well. Both seemed reasonably priced and considering the latter is very hard to find....

Upon arrival a few niggles popped up.

First and foremost just what kind of water do you people have outside of NYS? *LOL* One has never seen such encrustation on a dishwashing or laundry appliance in one's life. Seller is located in Arizona so perhaps that explains something, but still. Several hours of acid bath soaking and scrubbing later managed to get the filter made presentable, but the agitator is a different matter.

Other issues is that the black agitator has two hairline cracks, one down each side. Again the price was *cheap* and the things are HTF so maybe should consider oneself well off.

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Post# 905710 , Reply# 1   11/6/2016 at 15:58 (2,819 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
After cleaning

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As stated previously the filter scrubbed up well, but don't believe shall ever be able to totally remove all the scale buildup from inside the agitator.

Got out as much as one could with soaking, application of acid cleaner and scrapping, but soon just decided to leave well enough alone. Am hoping that once in use the naturally soft and clear NYC tap water will help dissolve this "cement" over time.

While being so up close and intimate with the black agitator realized something is missing, and that the seller perhaps had done it to me. There isn't a metal nor plastic spline. Sent word at once to see what there is to be done, worse comes to worse will have to purchase one from Ovid, NY or Bunker Hill Appliance.

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Post# 905765 , Reply# 2   11/7/2016 at 00:04 (2,818 days old) by Stan (Napa CA)        

stan's profile picture
I've never seen this type of agitator for a wringer model before, so thanks for sharing the up close pics.
Pic 13 looks like there are teeth that fit something? I'll be interested in see how this all goes and see the piece that's missing.

Post# 905780 , Reply# 3   11/7/2016 at 05:19 (2,818 days old) by beekeyknee (Columbia, MO)        

beekeyknee's profile picture
Good Morning, Launderess,

I was noticing the cracks along the barrel of the agitator in your photo. They seem to be on exact opposite sides of the barrel. One might be able to place some type of spreading device down in the barrel of the agitator, spread it just a bit, place some old towels or rags down in the barrel, apply some type of cleaner (such as some acid, like vinegar and soda to boil away the old deposits), remove the rags, rinse, let dry, replace the rags with clean ones, apply some type of flowing epoxy or whatever is best for repairing bakelite, remove the rags, clamp the other direction for drying, wipe up excess glue and allow to dry.

I think old bakelite can be polished up with compounds or other products and a buffing wheel. This maybe more work that you want to spend on an old agitator but it is unique and hard to find. You could keep your aqua colored on to and use them for different applications. Just a thought.


Post# 905850 , Reply# 4   11/7/2016 at 13:03 (2,818 days old) by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Missing agitator drive spline

combo52's profile picture
The spline must be pressed in under high pressure which can easily break even a good agitator let alone one that is old and cracked.

There is really no way to polish bakealite plastic easily to restore original appearance. You can paint and clear coat it if you like, but how well it will hold up is in question.

Post# 905857 , Reply# 5   11/7/2016 at 14:23 (2,818 days old) by tinkr (Phoenix Arizona)        
Check outThread Number: 36591 Lint Filter Agitator for Mayt

tinkr's profile picture
CLR Is the product we use here in AZ to remove built up calcium and mineral deposits. It is a staple in the cleaning supplies. Vinegar just won't cut it sometimes.
Soak a rag in it and apply rag to area to be treated. It will take some time for it to soften the mineral deposit. Soaking the whole thing would be really a large expense.

That is what I used to remove years of calcium off the inside of the aluminum tub rim of my wringer and the inside of the agitator. ( it is the aqua one) Will work with patience. and not so much rubbing or scrapping.

The crack is another thing. There is only one glue that I know of that is water curing. That is Gorrilla glue. It is inexpensive and easy to find.

I don't know for sure that is will be 100% effective but, I glued cracks in the pump hose with it and that hasn't leaked.
It is really tough stuff, BUT it will swell alittle as it cures. So thin applications work best.

As for a missing part ???? I have not seen an agitator like that in person. And I inspect any wringers I find in antique shops.

Trying to fix the crack is better than doing nothing.

Post# 905860 , Reply# 6   11/7/2016 at 14:36 (2,818 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Thanks guys

launderess's profile picture
Since the cracks are hairline and seem to only affect the area where the lint filter goes anyway (hence water will be going through the agitator regardless), am not worried too much at this point. Indeed the whole thing is rather moot unless or until can install a spline and then put the thing to work and see how it behaves.

Only intended to use the filter agitator for special loads since it lacks the "cup" that keeps water out of the seal area. Will likely use the turquoise as a "daily driver" with perhaps putting the original black one in from time to time.

While rare, these lint filter agitators for Maytag wringer washers are out there. A member has one and also saw unit with one for sale in the MA area some time ago on CL.

Am guessing there are more out there, and perhaps some were or still are sitting NOS in some appliance shop somewhere.

Post# 905861 , Reply# 7   11/7/2016 at 14:38 (2,818 days old) by beekeyknee (Columbia, MO)        

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I didn't read Launderess's text closely enough. I didn't realize the spline was missing. I was mostly looking at the pictures, which show a spline, so I assumed it was there.

Post# 905911 , Reply# 8   11/7/2016 at 19:40 (2,818 days old) by tinkr (Phoenix Arizona)        
Filter for wringer washer

tinkr's profile picture
I got this for my wringer and it works super. We have dogs and hubs works at an
animal hospital so we have hairy laundry.
It worked very well for new towels also.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO tinkr's LINK on eBay

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Post# 905934 , Reply# 9   11/7/2016 at 21:56 (2,817 days old) by wayupnorth (On a lake between Bangor and Bar Harbor, Maine)        

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I havnt heard Tarting since my grandmother, and I knew what it meant when she said it. You are lucky Laundress to find a lint filter gyrator that works on a wringer. Wished my round Maytag of your vintage could still work, but I am not into invasive surgery on it. My 48 Kenmore is my playtoy in the warmer weather.

Post# 906089 , Reply# 10   11/8/2016 at 15:49 (2,817 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Well was going to repost the CL link for seller

launderess's profile picture
But he has taken down the advert.

Will ask in next contact (we have been chatting about getting me spline for my agitator), if can post his information here in the group.

It is a story we've heard several times before; old school appliance repair person/dealer selling off surplus to requirements inventory. He has NOS/NIB Maytag parts as well as used. The latter included tubs, wringers, legs, etc... Also Speed Queen wringer parts, along with tons of Maytag (and perhaps others?) automatic washer parts.

If wasn't located all the way in Arizona would have made a fun trip to see just that is in that warehouse.

Post# 906292 , Reply# 11   11/10/2016 at 08:31 (2,815 days old) by dermacie (my forever home (Glenshaw, PA))        

dermacie's profile picture
I actually bought that Asian contraption pictured above and it works very well. I used it on Sunday when I used my Maytage J2l wringer washer.

Post# 906374 , Reply# 12   11/10/2016 at 17:31 (2,815 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        
I wonder if there is a difference

between a Filter-Type Gyratator on a Manual Maytag vs an Automatic? I know there is a lip around the area where the spline is on a plain Gratator for a Manual that does not exist on the one for Automatics.
It just may be---- that even if this agitator had a spline, without that "lip" it might not have worked on a manual anyway.

Post# 906396 , Reply# 13   11/10/2016 at 19:31 (2,815 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Agitators For MT WWs

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Are supposed have an air pocket to protect the agitator shaft seal on the WW, you can use a MT automatic washer agitator on WWs but you can't use an AMW agitator on a WW, if you use an AMWA on a WW you lose this air pocket seal protection.


The agitator that LD has may not be the filter agitator intended for the WW.

Post# 906401 , Reply# 14   11/10/2016 at 19:52 (2,815 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
The "lip"

launderess's profile picture
IIRC was rather a late design incarnation. None of the older aluminum, red or black Bakelite agitators had this feature. From what one has read here in the group Maytag added this feature to help keep water out/away from the seals.

Post# 906411 , Reply# 15   11/10/2016 at 21:35 (2,814 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

I bought some of the splines from the Maytag wringer washer guy on ebay, but John was not able to install one in a Bakelite Gyrator.

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