Thread Number: 681
11,000 Whirling Needle Sprays of Water Every Minute!
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Post# 50532   12/6/2004 at 22:53 (7,244 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
A few years ago I posted this commercial for the 1956 Frigidaire Spray Tube dishwasher. Many of the newer members probably haven't seen it as I never added it to our library list. I have now redigitized it into a slighly larger picture than before and I added to our permenant collection.

It's a 3.6mb video file. If you would like to view it right click the link below and save target as...


Post# 50540 , Reply# 1   12/7/2004 at 06:02 (7,243 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Robert, Thankyou so much for sharing that awesome ad! I remember those things really could hold a big load BUT I also remember they RARELY got them clean! Anyway, they are fun to use. Don't you have one with a clear door? Best wishes--Steve

Post# 50541 , Reply# 2   12/7/2004 at 07:06 (7,243 days old) by gregm ()        
thanks and .........

great Robert !!, thank you for sharing that and you just got to love the 50's ...........

Post# 50543 , Reply# 3   12/7/2004 at 07:40 (7,243 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        
Housewife in heels alert!

OK, str8 guys in the house, watch this video, it's worth your while :-) . The fine housewife tells it all. All in a pretty dress and high heels.

Post# 50551 , Reply# 4   12/7/2004 at 13:16 (7,243 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Steve, yes I do have a clear door demo door for my Frigidaire, its great fun to watch with the spray all lite up bright, using my waterproof light bult.

Post# 50553 , Reply# 5   12/7/2004 at 14:55 (7,243 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
11,000 Whirling Needle Sprays of Water Every Minute!

peteski50's profile picture
Thanks for sharing Robert, I always said this design should have been upgraded with a full size revolving arm at the bottom including the spray tube in the middle. Also a detergent cup would have been nice. Would have fit in better with later technology!

Post# 50564 , Reply# 6   12/7/2004 at 17:00 (7,243 days old) by bethann (Indianapolis)        
How cool!

I can't wait to get it up and running! Robert, Did someone say that you have a video of yours with the plexy on the front?
I would love to see it! Thanks for the video!
I'm a chicken to hook mine up! I guess I'd better get over it huh!

Post# 50587 , Reply# 7   12/7/2004 at 20:53 (7,243 days old) by Brent-Aucoin ()        
Fun Video!

That was a great video. I wonder what program it was aired on?
Thanks for loading it.

Post# 50651 , Reply# 8   12/8/2004 at 21:41 (7,242 days old) by JEtcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
That Mrs. Mellard

jetcone's profile picture
She's a smarty for getting a Frigidaire! They work great with 11,000 needle sprays and Orgami Packing!!

How long I wonder before all D/W's will be made Overseas??
As much as I admire the new LG Combo I just found out it uses the exact same configuration as the Original Bendix Duomatic.
So why aren't they still building them in South Bend Indiana??

That just flabbergasts me for some reason. I can't get my head around it.

Post# 50652 , Reply# 9   12/8/2004 at 22:03 (7,242 days old) by cadman (Cedar Falls, IA)        

cadman's profile picture
Did you hear the sound that latch made!? It's like a '57 Cadillac!

Post# 50653 , Reply# 10   12/8/2004 at 22:29 (7,242 days old) by tlee618 ()        

I agree, I love that sound as well, quality like we sure don't hear today.

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