Thread Number: 689
Ge washer- dryer set
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Post# 50582   12/7/2004 at 20:25 (7,370 days old) by wvkenmore (Wv)        

Hey guys how can I find out the age on a older ge matched set. They are in a house I caretake of old friends of family. The owner died 8 years ago and daughter said they were from 1965-1970. They look great and still work great. I run both of them once a month to keep them going. Thanks for any info... Chaz

Post# 50584 , Reply# 1   12/7/2004 at 20:36 (7,370 days old) by gregm ()        
model and serial # 's

what are the model AND serial # 's ??

Post# 50706 , Reply# 2   12/9/2004 at 21:31 (7,368 days old) by wvkenmore (Wv)        

The pair is Hotpoint ( gargae apt has the ge set) Could only find model # on dryer dlb275opdlwh marked heavy duty 18 thanks for any info.

Post# 50707 , Reply# 3   12/9/2004 at 21:50 (7,368 days old) by westytoploader ()        


Can you provide pictures? Would like to see what both sets look like!

Post# 50708 , Reply# 4   12/9/2004 at 22:14 (7,368 days old) by fixerman ()        

Dryer model seems to be a DLB2750PDLWH. The model no is similar to Ge Design dryers. If the washer is matching then it would seem likely that the washer is also a GE design, not a solid tub. I certainly could be wrong tho.

Post# 50713 , Reply# 5   12/9/2004 at 23:15 (7,368 days old) by wvkenmore (Wv)        

They are a matching set. I havent noticed if it is a solid tub , I just trew in some curtains and sheets in and used them .I will look in morning. Idea on their age and are parts still around if and when I will need them.

Post# 50744 , Reply# 6   12/10/2004 at 17:56 (7,367 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Washer serial # should be on the front side corner of the cabinet.

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