Thread Number: 694
Need a 24 inch FL washer... fast! Please help!
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Post# 50594   12/7/2004 at 21:51 (7,170 days old) by Kayw ()        

My 12 year old top loader went out yesterday. I wanted a FL and I thought paying the extra $$$ would be my only consideration. However, I only have 25 inches (depth)of room in my laundry room! I noticed one model (maybe the GE profile compact one) was 25 and 3/4 inches in depth... it might squeeze in, but I know I'd be pushing my luck. I've had my heart set on the Whirlpool Duet, but of course it won't fit. I've read the threads on this site about Whirlpool's re-badged Merloni and I'm not going to get that one. The Maytag MAH2400A is over 25 inches when you read the dimensions posted on their website. I've got to move pretty fast. I have small children and the laundry piles up fast around here. Does anyone have any insight??? Thanks! -Kay

Post# 50597 , Reply# 1   12/7/2004 at 22:23 (7,170 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

The Frigidaire front load washer, and it's siblings are 25 inches in depth. You have to allow a few inches for hoses, etc. It holds a decent size load and costs less than any of the "compact" front loaders. Hope this helps.

Post# 50598 , Reply# 2   12/7/2004 at 22:33 (7,170 days old) by Kayw ()        

Am I looking at the wrong thing? When I check the Frigidaire website, all of the models listed (for front loaders) are over 25 inches in depth.

Also, is the same Frigidaire product you are mentioning sold under a different name?

Thanks for your help!

Post# 50608 , Reply# 3   12/8/2004 at 00:26 (7,170 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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KayW, yes, the Frigidaire is the same basic unit as the Kenmore and the GE.

Post# 51562 , Reply# 4   12/22/2004 at 07:09 (7,156 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
depth constraint

What is keeping the depth at 25 inches? Usually the problem is width, not depth, the only constraint I can think of is the width of the door. virtually every appliance made is constrained by average door width (whatever that is)

Post# 51571 , Reply# 5   12/22/2004 at 08:36 (7,156 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

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If you are looking only for the washer and not the combo, Malber makes washer for that depth. I brought one off eBay, the P21 and it does a fine job on cleaning. It's not top of the line like Miele or Asko that requires 220V hookup, but the 110V will still perform just as good as the big boys with 1000 RPM's to boot!

At Lowes, they sell the Maytag small version and at Home Depot, they sell the Haier and Danby that should fit your perimeters too....

There is a learning curve to use these machines for the best cleaning performance and I'm still learning and teaching others not to make the same mistakes.

When and if you purchase one, we will walk you through to keep your whites, whites and your color bright!



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