Thread Number: 695
POD 12/8/04
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Post# 50622   12/8/2004 at 10:11 (7,170 days old) by frontaloadotmy (the cool gay realm)        

Does anybody know the date of the ad? I have the iron!
I have the dryer (in white); not sure how to switch from side by side to stack though! Does anyone else have any of those?
Haven't I seen the dishwasher here and there!!! Hope every-
body gets their wish lists!

Post# 50637 , Reply# 1   12/8/2004 at 18:58 (7,170 days old) by SactoTeddyBear ()        

I've looked at the "POD" of 12-8-2004 and I've even wondered before, if these Westy's are either Stacked or Side-By-Side, are there 2-different Dryers, for each Installation situation, or do you just invert the Dryer, to Stack them together, with the Control's at "Mid-Band" Style and both on upper part of the Front of both Washer and Dryer for the Side-By-Side Installation? I noticed the Front Plate that says Westinghouse Laundromat and Westinghouse Clothes Dryer on them and I assumed that you just take that Plate off and turn it over, for the different Installation's.

Is does sound like in the explaination on the Ad that there are 2-different Dryer's, depending on your preference of Installation however. Thank you for any and all info about which is correct.

Peace and best to everyone, Steve

Post# 50643 , Reply# 2   12/8/2004 at 20:06 (7,169 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
westy pod

Hi we had these machines the dryer is upside down for the stack intallation, for side by side you pop off the westinghouse "kick plate" and the chrome "clothes dryer" logo and flip them right side up. My parents Laundromat gave up the ghost around 1967 or 68. my dad flipped the dryer and it lasted until around 1975. Someone here once posted this was the only dryer ever made that could used right side up or upside down. I really like these. Happy Holidays alr2903. the one in the POD has some type of panel added at the top ours did not have, the dryer although upside down, is the same ht as the washer.

Post# 50644 , Reply# 3   12/8/2004 at 20:23 (7,169 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
westy pod

Just one more thing:-) notice that when stacked the timer knobs are in alignment, when the dryer is turned upside down for side by side that makes the timer dials opposite sides, if side by side you would want the washer on the right and dryer on the left. so the doors would open out of the way, the hinges were not reversible. Frontal these would of been brand new in 1957 or 1958. alr2903

Post# 50666 , Reply# 4   12/9/2004 at 01:05 (7,169 days old) by SactoTeddyBear ()        

I was just thinking about the Dryer's, when they are Stacked on the Washer's did they also have a Lint Screen/Filter to catch the Lint? How did turning the Dryer's over for Stacking, affect the Lint Screen/Filter's operation? I also wondered about the Timer Pointer area, are the Cycles set on one of the sides of the Timer, rather than on the Top, since the Pointer area would be on the bottom, when the Dryer was Stacked, so you would have to stoop down to read where you were setting the Cycle for the Drying area of the Dial. Did this also affect the Vent opening on the back of the Dryer?

Peace and best to everyone, Steve

Post# 50672 , Reply# 5   12/9/2004 at 09:28 (7,169 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
I have a set of them in storage, along with a stand-alone washer with the top.


Post# 50679 , Reply# 6   12/9/2004 at 11:07 (7,169 days old) by frontaloadotmy (the cool gay realm)        

Thanks alr2903; PH770, covet covet covet!

Post# 50689 , Reply# 7   12/9/2004 at 19:10 (7,169 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
answers to sacto

I know you pulled the dryer knob off too. Its been a long time but I think there was a indentation in the metal on the cabinet to serve as a pointer for you to align your minute time up with above and below the dial, So off was at the top, and "right side up" just like the other chrome stuff. This westy dryer had no lint filter, they spewed lint all over your back yard. My mom used to put a mesh bag like onions are sold in over the vent it caught most of the lint. The exhaust vent was near the top when set up for side by side installation and of course it was at the bottom when stacked. Ours had only timed dry but think it went to like about an hour and a half in 10 minute increments. alr2903.

Post# 50690 , Reply# 8   12/9/2004 at 19:21 (7,168 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        

VERY nice machines Peter, ours didnt have that little cabinet. just a steel rim that held the dryer to the top of the laundromat. Your machines are very nice. Can you still buy that boot? alr2903.

Post# 50691 , Reply# 9   12/9/2004 at 19:24 (7,168 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Wow, very cool machines? I watched the ad on the DVD and they are very splashy! Where did you find these? Also, have you plugged them in yet?


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