Thread Number: 701
LG Pedestals are too short!
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Post# 50673   12/9/2004 at 10:01 (7,169 days old) by Jamostew ()        

We're looking into the top-of-the-line LG FLs due to their build quality and nice innovative features. The only drawback I noticed was that their pedestals are only 7" tall whereas Whirlpool, Kenmore and others are nearly twice the height! Half the reason we're looking at these things is to minimize bending over while loading and unloading.

I find this VERY frustrating. Of course, I can always build a pedestal, but I really don't want to take the time.

Anybody else notice this?



Post# 50674 , Reply# 1   12/9/2004 at 10:13 (7,169 days old) by scott55405 ()        

James, I think the reason is because the LGs are made like a regular washer with a control panel (not on front like the other brands); hence if the pedestals were taller, some folks would not be able to reach the controls.

Post# 50675 , Reply# 2   12/9/2004 at 10:20 (7,169 days old) by Jamostew ()        

Thanks for your comment. It makes sense for many models, but the one we're looking at (WM2277H) has no controls on the top; they're all on the front panel. In fact, you can stack the washer & dryer one atop the other! It'd be nice if they had a taller pedestal and there are no drawbacks that I can think of.

Post# 50680 , Reply# 3   12/9/2004 at 11:07 (7,169 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

I really do like the pedestal on the W/P Kenmore HE3. Not only does it raise the washer, but it provides handy drawer storage for detergents, etc. and it has adjustable dividers you can remove. You do have to watch the height of some things. I don't think 100 oz bottles of liquid detergent will fit. The Maytag "risers" and the Frigidaires don't make use of that wasted space. DUH!

Post# 50686 , Reply# 4   12/9/2004 at 17:59 (7,169 days old) by scott55405 ()        

Thanks for the heads up! I did not know LG was now offering a front control model.

Post# 51805 , Reply# 5   12/26/2004 at 10:03 (7,152 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Pedestal height

Well, short pedestal better than no pedestal at all. And though the model you're buying has the controls on the front and could have a higher pedestal, they then would have to stock TWO sizes of pedestals, one for the front control models and one for the console control models

Post# 56200 , Reply# 6   2/7/2005 at 05:06 (7,109 days old) by Jdinstl ()        
May I revisit this thread?

I've been pondering the new front loaders as well. Every man should have a set of front loaders at least once in his life, right? I really, REALLY like these LG machines, but -- bingo James, right on the money -- those pedestals are simply too shallow.

I really like the pedestals on the Kenmore HE's, they appear to be considerably deeper. I also like the colors so I'm going to be studying up on new laundry equipment. Comments and advice are MOST welcomed :)


Post# 56228 , Reply# 7   2/7/2005 at 09:20 (7,109 days old) by designgeek ()        

I've never figured out what's the beef about "bending over" since we already do it to access our dryers. As long as the hatch is high enough to clear a laundry basket or equivalent container, so you don't drop clean clothes on the floor. And there is a wide enough choice of containers available that it should always be possible to find something that fits under a door. If the door is really low, try one of those inexpensive black plastic troughs that are sold for mixing mortar, potting soil, and the like.

Also too high up, and you get a high center of gravity. I can't help but think that would increase vibration and noise. Living in an earthquake zone, one gets very conscious of center-of-gravity issues. For example the inadvisability of stacking a dryer atop a washer unless inside a closet with a door that can be kept closed tight when they're not in use, to prevent them falling over during a quake.

Post# 56257 , Reply# 8   2/7/2005 at 12:35 (7,109 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
On Pedestals And Things Going BUMP In An Earthquake: In my old warehouse apt., the floor in the laundry room was weak and every washer I ever had, TL or FL, vibrated like mad during the spin portion of the cycle.

In light of that, are washers somehow connected/bolted to their pedestals? I would think they'd have to be. Could you imagine a machine vibrating off a 14" pedestal? Now THAT would be high drama!

D-geek: Thankfully, we don't have much of a quake risk in rural southwestern MN. While I sneer at tornadoes and blizzards and the wild animals that stride through my back yard, I have a strong fear of quakes. I was in Seattle for a minor quake about 10 years ago. I was awakened by the sounds of activated car alarms and the freaked-out animals at the nearby zoo.

Post# 56287 , Reply# 9   2/7/2005 at 15:21 (7,109 days old) by david (CA)        

Yes, I've noticed the LG petestals at bestbuy are low compared to everyone elses. While they are not too low for me, the extra bending for unloading and loading FL's is hard on the older folks, whose joints and muscles stiffen with age. I Hope also that the machines are bolted on to the pedestals, that would be a sight to see a washer falling off on the floor during the spin cycle; would make a great "laugh-in" cut!

Post# 56308 , Reply# 10   2/7/2005 at 16:21 (7,109 days old) by cybrvanr ()        

Has anyone ventured into the world of carpentry enough ever build their own custom-designed pedistal for their F.L. washer out of wood? Seems like it would not be too hard, and for the price that some of the places are charging for 'em, economically worthwhile.

I could imagine something really nice out of oak or something that matches the cabinets in the kitchen or other woodwork in the house. Complete with a storage drawer underneath for all the laundry essentials, like soap, bleach & fabric softener. All in stained & varnished, "old world" glory :)

Post# 56830 , Reply# 11   2/10/2005 at 22:30 (7,106 days old) by Lg_guy ()        
NEW larger pedestals from LG

I work for LG

We make a new 14" pedestal for all our 27" inch front loaders.

Check your local LG dealer. It's on the market.

In Canada we call it the WDP3W - not sure for U.S.

Post# 56931 , Reply# 12   2/11/2005 at 18:08 (7,105 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
LG Guy--- Do you know if the LG's are designed to be connected or bolted to their pedestals?

Post# 58405 , Reply# 13   2/27/2005 at 17:58 (7,089 days old) by Johnlindy ()        
Building a pedestal from wood

Do not attempt to build a pedestal from wood. We used 4x4 Douglas Fir, built it incredibly strong, to no avail. Instead of saving $$, we now have an 8" high pedestal and no place to employ it.

LG Guy - Do the factory pedestals have vibration dampening technology? That would explain the high cost...
I don't mind paying for an item that actually accomplishes something.


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