Thread Number: 707
Should I Sell the Bendix Now? I need your help on this...
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Post# 50709   12/9/2004 at 22:23 (7,301 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Hi Everyone,

As you all know, I've been working on my 1947 Bendix for a while. I am 75% finished, and all I need to do is replace the wiring & the 2 solenoids, possibly change the gear oil, and paint the back panel.

Recently, a person began emailing me about how they were interested in the Bendix (ironically, he was the same person I was bidding against for it...but that's a different story), and asked me if I would sell it "as is" for a reasonable amount. I am eager to sell it because:

1. I have a "Death Shed", so to speak, with only 1 window. The resulting problem is that humidity is a big problem, and while I haven't noticed any rust, it's not doing the Bendix any good. More windows will be installed in the future, as well as lighting/AC/heat, however.

2. Re-wiring is going to be a daunting task, but I'm up to it, however, the solenoids might take a while, because my (somewhat lazy in this aspect...) dad hasn't gotten around to ordering them from Granger. This post might give him a wake-up call.

3. The back panel did not get powdercoated because I absent-mindedly forgot about it...DARN!

4. It's not complete, and while I will eventually have to make repairs to machines, I'd rather have older, refurbished washers that are pretty much mechanically sound, being a beginner. My Bendix repair literature is also very limited, and the few pages I have precede my machine by 7 years.

5. It's a bolt-down; the shed forces me to have soft-mount washers.

However, I'd like to keep it because:

1. I'd like to look at it in the future and remember how I restored this beauty when I was 16. It will also be a good motivation tool for future projects.

2. It's an EARLY automatic, and a very fun machine.

3. This person has had no interest in joining this site, and I honestly don't know what he's going to do with my washer. I'd like to know that it's going to a good home and this person will finish up the restoration.

All of the above leaves me pretty much undecided. If you want to throw in an opinion please do so and help me make this difficult decision!


Post# 50720 , Reply# 1   12/10/2004 at 05:02 (7,300 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Hi Austin, Neither I nor anyone else can give you better advise on this issue that you can give yourself. This is one area where you just have to follow your heart. Is the machine worth more to you in money than in sentimental value? That is really the question. All I can say is that faced with the same circumstances I would ask myself "How will I feel about my decision 2,5, or 10 years from now?" Best wishes--Steve

Post# 50722 , Reply# 2   12/10/2004 at 07:04 (7,300 days old) by bethann (Indianapolis)        
Hi Austin!

It all boils down to how sentimental you are! Do you really love the machine? How much time have you put in it already? Is there something else that you really want more and need the money to get it? My opinion, If you don't need the money don't sell it!

Post# 50723 , Reply# 3   12/10/2004 at 07:07 (7,300 days old) by bethann (Indianapolis)        
Oh Forgot something!

If they don't want to join this site then what are they up to?
That's kinda strange!

Post# 50727 , Reply# 4   12/10/2004 at 10:21 (7,300 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        

veg-o-matic's profile picture
I consulted my Magic 8-Ball and it seems to think you should keep the Bendix. I concur.
1. How many more times in life do you think you'd run across this machine? Precious few.
2. Anyone who has EVER gotten rid of something like this has regretted it.
3. You're almost there! Rewiring it won't be a jolly toot, but if you're up to it--and you say you are--then it'll at least keep you occupied a while and off the street!
4. The shed will eventually get upgraded. You can put off the restoration of the Bendix for a while; it's not going anywhere.
5. This person who wants to buy the machine but not join the club sounds awfully suspicious. He may be thinking of replacing the drum with an aquarium!
6. Being able to look back with pride and say you restored the machine when you were 16 is priceless.
7. Eventually, you will own a house and you can bolt that sucker down.
8. It could be a chick magnet. "Wanna come up and see my Bendix?" If she says no, then you'll know she's not the girl for you. If she says yes, then she's the girl you might just want to marry.

It might be different if it were going to someone "in the family" as it were. From reading the posts, I see that machines tend to get passed around from person to person like baby clothes; it might eventually make its way back to you.

Just my two cents. Apparently, I have opinions about everything.


Post# 50729 , Reply# 5   12/10/2004 at 11:25 (7,300 days old) by westytoploader ()        


Your advice is what I'm going by. And yes, it can be put off; you can only go forward as far as work is concerned!

More windows, lights, and heat/AC will be put in, eliminating the problem I have now (which is why I don't keep any vacuums down there). I'm hoping it will be finished by next Spring. I can probably clean/paint the back panel this weekend, and later on, tackle the solenoids (easy), and wiring (hard since I'm going to re-wire it piece by piece). Next up in line is a 1960's Maytag Model N Wringer project...

As far as this guy is concerned, if he really wanted the Bendix then he would have put in a higher bid price!! So it's settled; the Bendix is staying, at least until it's finished. And if I do sell it, then it will be on eBay.


Post# 50735 , Reply# 6   12/10/2004 at 12:45 (7,300 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        

veg-o-matic's profile picture
Anyone else need advice from Veg-O-Matic--Wise Sage, Seer of All, Knower of Everything? :-)

Post# 50740 , Reply# 7   12/10/2004 at 15:04 (7,300 days old) by WASHENDRY (pinconning,mich)        


Post# 50741 , Reply# 8   12/10/2004 at 15:24 (7,300 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
good advice veg!

Austin-What Bob had to say I couldn't have said better myself.

You would regret selling that to some one who does not love washers like we all do. An aquarium or whatever evil designs this person has sounds a bit sinister. And why would he not want to join this group? sounds too shady!

I had a Bendix standard once. I gave it to a friend. The bearing went out on it and my friend (who shall remain nameles) threw it into his father-in-laws field, when it could have been repaired. Don't live with that kind of regret.

If later, you do decide you have had enough, say when you go off to college or get drafted by our wonderful president, then sell it to one of the people here who will never turn it into an aquarium or whatever.

Post# 50742 , Reply# 9   12/10/2004 at 17:53 (7,300 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Hey Veg!
How about the lottery numbers for Saturday!


Post# 50760 , Reply# 10   12/10/2004 at 21:17 (7,300 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        

veg-o-matic's profile picture

10 19 27 6 33 18 12

...oh, you mean THIS Saturday?

Post# 50818 , Reply# 11   12/11/2004 at 21:41 (7,299 days old) by levittownbob ()        

Is it the same 1947 model found in the early 1947 Levitt homes in Levittown???


Post# 51199 , Reply# 12   12/16/2004 at 10:37 (7,294 days old) by wantsawasher ()        

Hello everyone, surprise, surprise...I'm already a member...and have been for several months...I wanted to share with everyone my response to the email Austin sent me. It includes what I think of the nasty way everyone is treating me just because I'm someone that no one knows and I want to buy a washer.

I find it very interesting what great “compliments” everyone from has to say about me.

I really thought you were just being a nice person, I didn’t realize you were just talking behind my back.

Let’s get a couple of things straight:

• The reason I kept your email address is because you said one day you would probably sell the Bendix.

• I don’t want to turn the washer into an aquarium!

• I am in fact already a member of

• I have had numerous email conversations with Greg ( gansky1) who I met through the site. He and I talked about why he thought the Bendix would be a good way to start a collection. He said the Bendix would be a good “first” washer since they have no suspension system they are easier to work on.

• I am truly offended and appalled at how I am being treated just because I wanted to buy your washer.

You people are funny, you know if collecting is so important to you then why are you being so critical of someone that may know where you next “great find” is?

Living in a small town I see vintage top load washers everyday, at garage sales, resale shops, and even just sitting on the side of the road waiting to be picked up by the trash guys….you may have just lost out on a great find, all because of what??? You think I’m going to turn your washer into an aquarium??? That is just plan stupid. Why don’t you contact the Maytag Collectors Club and ask them if they know me…you will find the answer to be yes. I have been in touch with them regarding numerous vintage Maytag top loads that I have found.

So for you and your “friends” to say you shouldn’t sell to me because I sounded shady and I might turn your washer into an aquarium is so ridicules I can’t believe it.

Post# 51204 , Reply# 13   12/16/2004 at 12:50 (7,294 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
Sorry...How were we to know?

Austin gave us his side of the story. We had no other information to go on.

He asked for an opinion. Perhaps had you indicated that you were a member of this board, he would have been more inclined to sell it. This fact would have changed a lot of opinions here.

So I guess Austin did not present you in the best light. I also know that I was not the paragon of tactfulness at age 16, so maybe try not to take this all so personally and cut him a little slack.

I apologize for any comment I made which offended you.

Maybe we can just all try to be more careful about how we speak here.

Post# 51214 , Reply# 14   12/16/2004 at 16:59 (7,294 days old) by westytoploader ()        


Please accept my apology for anything I started here, as well as for insinuating that you might not use my Bendix for its original purpose. I think everybody else owes him an apology as well; especially about the "aquarium".

With all of the "bad stuff" aside, welcome to the club! That's interesting that your town is full of vintage stuff; here in Bellville I usually don't see anything "out-of-the-ordinary," except for something at an estate sale I'll share in the "Super" forum. Also, are you interested in my Maytag Model N round-tub wringer?


Post# 51225 , Reply# 15   12/16/2004 at 17:43 (7,294 days old) by bethann (Indianapolis)        
Now wait a min.

No one on this site is trying to be rude including Austin! The members didn't know that you were a member to begin with. If you have been a member since July you should have spoke up and said something! Everyone here is like family and Austin is the baby (sorry Austin). He asked advice and he got honest answers from everyone. There's nothing wrong with that. It wasn't directed at you personally it was directed to a person that the members of this site know nothing about! I'm 100% sure that would have not happen that way if you would have made yourself known. Now, With all of that behind us, Welcome to the site.

Post# 51232 , Reply# 16   12/16/2004 at 19:47 (7,294 days old) by maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        

Other people have said what I was going to say, but whattheheck.

Keep it.


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