Thread Number: 71334  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
The Finest in Quality and Reliability; GE/Hotpoint
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Post# 943920   6/17/2017 at 00:15 (2,597 days old) by speedqueen (Metro-Detroit)        

speedqueen's profile picture
I found this video on YouTube and thought it was too funny not to share with you, the fine members of AW. This machine demonstrates the fine engineering and quality control that GE/Hotpoint has been known for since the discontinuation of the FilterFlo; even with the machine operating correctly, the action is more tepid than and overloaded MT A806 on low speed.

Post# 943930 , Reply# 1   6/17/2017 at 03:05 (2,596 days old) by washdaddy (Baltimore)        

That machine is definitely not operating correctly. That clunking noise it makes while agitating is something that needs to be checked out. Besides that tub indexing like that is another give away that something is wrong.

I personally couldn't say what it is but I wouldn't be using it until I got it checked out by someone that knows what they are doing.

Post# 943933 , Reply# 2   6/17/2017 at 04:06 (2,596 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        
My guess

chetlaham's profile picture
Mode shiftier not engaging (or disengaging, I forget the sequence for this machine).

But, FWIW I absolutely DESPISE post filter flo washers. The junk level is through the roof. Its not so much their performance, as their reliability and durability. Clutches, transmission, tub seals, tub straps, agitator coupling, ect all seem to be weak points. The apartment complex I lived at had plenty of these post 97 washers and the dumpsters proved the longevity in not time. Repair was only worth it when another donor machine was going to be scrapped. So much so that in 2010 the Landlord actually switched to Whirlpool BOLs for laundry.

Post# 943937 , Reply# 3   6/17/2017 at 06:11 (2,596 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Wonder if the tub brake is working in this machine--the agitator tries to work but the tub spins instead.At one point the tub was trying to stay braked and the agitator was working.A crappy machine anyway--we know what to do!!!!Call the SQ dealer!!!

Post# 943942 , Reply# 4   6/17/2017 at 07:14 (2,596 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        
SQ dealer

chetlaham's profile picture
Would be the choice, but if you truly want an economical washer get this:

50x better and for only $300 you get stellar cleaning, easy to find parts and service is a breeze.

Post# 944048 , Reply# 5   6/17/2017 at 22:22 (2,596 days old) by dartman (Portland Oregon)        

The first new washer/dryer combo I got was a Hot Point set in about 90. I knew they were probably junk but they were so cheap I took a chance after asking a few shops what they thought of them. Washer actually worked ok but noisy for about 10 years which amazed the shop I called looking for parts. He said most ran 2 or 3 years and ate the transmission. The dryer lived a extra year and the rollers and felts or whatever kinda went away. I replaced them with a Whirlpool dd about 2000,then a close to matching dryer the next year. The washer needed a pump right away and the dryer blew the overheat fuse a few times but they were easy to work on and parts were cheap. They both worked mostly fine till 2012 when I upgraded to he units to save money on the utilities and get more clothes washed and dried per load. I wouldn't wish those hotpoints on anybody, I just got lucky with my set and they weren't worth repairing once they died.

Post# 944069 , Reply# 6   6/18/2017 at 04:20 (2,595 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

askolover's profile picture

Did anyone notice how dingy those "white" socks are?

Post# 944075 , Reply# 7   6/18/2017 at 05:34 (2,595 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        
Set in 90

chetlaham's profile picture
Was this 1990? Post filter flo washers did not start coming out until 95/96. But yahhh, 2-3 years on the transmission was not uncommon. Saw it every day sadly.

Post# 944161 , Reply# 8   6/18/2017 at 21:33 (2,595 days old) by johnb300m (Chicago)        

johnb300m's profile picture
I must be an anomaly because I had these GE machines in two of my apartments over the years. All over 5yrs old bybtime I had them. And they all worked fine.

Post# 944167 , Reply# 9   6/18/2017 at 22:20 (2,595 days old) by dartman (Portland Oregon)        

I think I got them about 90 yes and the set was originally meant to be installed in a apartment and was BOL stuff. I liked Whirlpool even then but the deal was too good to pass up so bought em anyways and got more time then most did outa the washer.
I was just happy to have a new matched set and figured if they died right away I probably still got my moneys worth out of them.
They had the manuals and warranty papers inside still and they accepted my papers and gave me the year warranty or whatever they had. My new HE set only had a year too and they are Kenmore/Whirlpool and are still working fine close to 5 years later. The replacement set before these worked much better and were super easy and cheap to fix when they did have issues. The weakest point on the washer was the pump, it tended to last about 5 years with all the sand I get in my clothes. The guy that bought the earlier washer said the transmission was finally about to go but I had just replaced the pump again and the agitater dogs just before I retired it and I even wrote the date the pump was replaced on it. He paid 30 bucks and was going to rebuild and sell it yet again but he didn't need those new parts.

Post# 944212 , Reply# 10   6/19/2017 at 09:21 (2,594 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
these GE appliances(washer/dryer, fridge, stove) were installed in all the new homes in the area, within a year, you would find them out by the curb, it was a scrappers delight.....

I knew they were junk, and just kept on driving, was never worth the effort to take them home and try to fix them....

we were out looking for a new home, every one that had GE appliances, we just walked out....the realtor asked why and we told them....

Post# 944238 , Reply# 11   6/19/2017 at 12:17 (2,594 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        
Out within a year

chetlaham's profile picture
If not the longevity the performance did it.

@Yogitunes: Hope your realtor understood that one. I would not be surprised if she just thought "people always fret over the silliest little things when buying a house" but trust me when I say I get you. :) Hope you explained your talent/experience behind it. Late 90s / early 2000s GE appliances are off putting in every regard. Though the 2010 onward actually was not to bad, my money is on Whirlpool. There VMW has improved tremendously, warranty complaints appear to be going down and for the price you get 2x the quality and performance.

Post# 944240 , Reply# 12   6/19/2017 at 12:23 (2,594 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
1990 would make that the old style GE/Hotpoint, which was far from a bad washer. Those lasted and the rim-flo was a nice touch. I am sorry yours failed prematurely, IMO I think you got a dud. Those washers were known to go 10 years at least. Granted right before production stopped the outer tubs tended to rust out (at least what I saw), but still worth repairing before hitting a decade.

Post# 944252 , Reply# 13   6/19/2017 at 14:26 (2,594 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
bottom line, a Realtor is nothing more than a used car salesman, the mentality and sales tactic is the same......

I gave her, and went over, a clear list of things we did and did not want.....but so funny at how she praised those GE appliances as the best machines you can buy...

she showed us house number 2.....same appliances, walked outside, had her call her boss.....two words, Strike TWO!......

I actually found the house I wanted to buy, the outside fit the bill, just needed to view the interior....

this salesperson assured me that she checked it out, and it didn't have what we were looking for, and not what we wanted......

I called her boss to get me in THAT house to view it the next morning, and to join us, or I will call another realtor.....

well, we walked through the next day......and moved in 20 days later.....

this salesperson was eliminated from our contract, and no commission paid from the sale and purchase of our homes....

just note in the back of your minds when purchasing a home, you already have a lawyer present for the signing, at that time, you can argue the commission charged if they are not doing their job....

you can have one realtor to sell your current home....and choose another, if not several, to show you others.....never signing a contract until a price is agreed upon between the two parties...mileage may vary....the lawyer is the only one your paying that is looking out for you...

did not mean to hijack this thread....

Post# 944560 , Reply# 14   6/22/2017 at 00:32 (2,591 days old) by dartman (Portland Oregon)        

The lady that helped us was great. Our budget was low but it was summer of 12 so LOTS of houses to look at, most were junk. She also had a great backup guy for when she was busy and he didn't know all my requirements but decided to show us this house after looking at another dud. He showed it to us because he knew our budget was low, this place had been on the market a LONG time, and it was done and move in ready with all the important stuff new or redone, and it was a lot of house for the low price.
I would have never looked at it as it was a manufactured home with no garage, but it was on it's own lot in a neighborhood.
The house itself was the nicest and biggest one we'd seen and under budget so I got over the garage and used the money we didn't spend to have a nice 12x16 mini barn with a loft and a gravel parking area and 6 foot cedar fence with a drive through gate built.
We probably looked at 25 houses and she answered my calls and emails right away. She truly earned her commission and she split it with her back up guy as she wouldn't have shown me this house either.
Of course she makes money selling houses but she truly did care about us and what kind of house we wanted. I deal with realtors a bit at work and yes many just are in it to make as much as possible for themselves and hide issues if possible, but there are some that also care about their clients, she certainly did and didn't get rich from the small commission she made on what this place sold for.

Post# 1154490 , Reply# 15   7/16/2022 at 23:57 (741 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
thread revival

I don't mean to revive this thread, but I'm very disappointed in GE ever since I used the commercial hydrowave washers and dryers in a college dorm. The performance was abysmal. I had to run both units multiple times if I wanted to use softener and get my clothes dry properly. And these were coin operated units.

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