Thread Number: 715
Philco "High-Frequency" Washers
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Post# 50769   12/10/2004 at 23:42 (7,167 days old) by westytoploader ()        

When was the last year that Philco made "flapper-style" washers? Also, does anyone have Philco production figures to get an idea on the rarity of these machines? Glenn told me that a few Philcos were sold in Texas--can't believe it! That would be great if one turned up!


Post# 50774 , Reply# 1   12/11/2004 at 05:24 (7,167 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Well, I don't remember them much after around 1966 or so. I am sure they were well marketed as they were products of the Ford Motor Company, so I would think they sold all over this country. BUT, I do think they sold in limited numbers wherever they were marketed--- for whatever reason, they were just not as popular as Kenmore, Maytag and Frigidaire, etc.

Post# 50790 , Reply# 2   12/11/2004 at 09:58 (7,167 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
They were made just into the early 70's, I'm not sure of the exact date.

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