Thread Number: 720
KitchenAid KDS-19
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Post# 50814   12/11/2004 at 19:57 (7,166 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Circa 1980. TOL model at the time; silverware tray & timer motor recently replaced. Harvest Gold panels repainted Almond (don't know which is worse...). This is a Hobart-made version.

Overall it's in excellent shape, and very sturdy.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO westytoploader's LINK on eBay

Post# 50843 , Reply# 1   12/12/2004 at 18:47 (7,166 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
love those kitchenaids

christfr's profile picture
thats a nice one indeed. there is also an older one listed. im guessing early 70s it only has a bottom wash arm. but ill bet it cleans wonderfully. its getting time to replace the one i have here. the kitchenaid i have is only 8 years old and it just cant handle the work anymore. id like to find a minty 60s or 70s to install for everyday use.

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