Thread Number: 72568  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
miele w3830 secret menus
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Post# 958760   9/23/2017 at 16:38 (2,498 days old) by uksausage (eastbourne east sussex uk)        

hi guys its a few years since i last posted on here
i was wondering if anyone can help i have a miele paragon plus 1400 W3830
and was wondering if there are any secret menus and if i can change any of the parameters of the programmes
thanks guys


Post# 958774 , Reply# 1   9/23/2017 at 18:02 (2,498 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Could be wrong

launderess's profile picture
But IIRC Miele got wise to customers making "adjustments" via those secret menus on the early 3XXX series washers, and took that capability away with later versions. That and or it has become more difficult to access or whatever.

Gardenweb was full of posts from people who increased water levels, messed with country settings and other things only to make a mess of things. So they would contact MieleUSA customer service who in their true Prussian Values would say "what is the machine doing?", "It cannot be doing *that*". "What did *YOU* do to the machine?".

Sometimes customers would admit what they had done (mess about with the programming), and MieleUSA tech would help them get things back to normal over telephone. Other times no such luck; Miele would insist on a call out for "diagnoses" (not cheap by any means) where the tech would see at once what had occurred (despite customers denials). Situation would be remedied but customer also got a bill for the call out (usually).

Also while am not totally sure but *think* as part of new USA energy requirements for washing machines the things must not have ways for customers to raise water levels. Well other than what is already offered/programmed.

Post# 958811 , Reply# 2   9/23/2017 at 22:01 (2,497 days old) by panthera (Rocky Mountains)        
My Aunt's Miele

panthera's profile picture

Brand new, 2014, has a secret menu - I don't remember how I got into it, but, wow! You could change everthing. I didn't touch a thing, though - It was brand new, had I wrecked it, I would have never heard the end of it. She flies to the US too often to escape her wrath.

So, yeah - they exist. Or, existed.

As for the stupid rules here in the US, that's one BIG reason I am sticking with my vintage equipment. Hot must be hot. Warm and Lukewarm need to mean something besides 'cold' and 'ice-cooled'.

Stupid. Just plain stupid.

Post# 958817 , Reply# 3   9/23/2017 at 22:39 (2,497 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        
try this

askolover's profile picture

Found this for a UK paragon plus washer

or and go to page 55


My w1986 has programmable functions but were not available to me in the US...a friend in Canada told me how to get to them.  Mine was programmed for cold fill only when I got it.  I was able to change to hot and cold fill, adjust water levels, rinse temperature and such.  Hope this helps.

Post# 958846 , Reply# 4   9/24/2017 at 03:56 (2,497 days old) by RichNZ (New Zealand)        
You too will need to visit this site

This site has technical documents for many recent Miele machines.

Its in French but if you use Chrome, then it will translate it for you.

It has washing machines, dryers, ironers, ovens etc.
Programming instructions, wiring diagrams, error messages.


Post# 958861 , Reply# 5   9/24/2017 at 07:01 (2,497 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
May have the wrong end of the stick

launderess's profile picture
But based my previous statements on comments like this:

"One more comment: Program Mode is not available on the W3038. On earlier models there was an option to get into the settings menu and adjust things like rinse water levels, but now that is no longer possible. A bit of a rant here is that Miele don’t seem to trust their US customers as much as their European ones – that’s most likely due to the nature of the US market and the “customer is always right” approach to customer service. European machines offer a lot more flexibility when it comes to settings, while in the US Miele limits those quite a bit, probably in an attempt to avoid any potential lawsuits."

Or this:

Now on older machines and or others getting to the service mode on a Miele washer seems rather straight forward:


Post# 1041661 , Reply# 6   8/13/2019 at 22:25 (1,808 days old) by DirectDrive (Toronto, ON, Canada)        
Miele W3038 TouchTronic - Accessing Service and Programming

Hi all, first time posting here...

I recently got my hands on a Miele W3038 here in Canada, and similarly found no articles on how to get in to the programming or service menus like the previous models allowed. Then tonight, I made a break through and got in to both modes on my W3038!

This may help with other newer models too. For my W3038, the process is almost identical to that of the video above for the W3033... but with added (I guess security by Miele to try and stop access) step...

1. Power the machine on
2. Open the door
3. Press and hold START
4. Close the door
5. As soon as START begins blinking, press START 3 times and hold on the 3rd to get in to Service Mode, or 5 times and hold on 5th to get in to Programming Mode.

I worked this out watching a video someone posted on a SuperTronic and this was how they got in, so for newer machines that don't work with the old way, this may be the trick...

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