Thread Number: 726
Wow something new!!!
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Post# 50833   12/12/2004 at 16:16 (7,166 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture
"Patent of the day". Now this is going to fun to see how each machine was made and how it improved over the years!

Thanks to the great vintage washing mashine website Guru Robert!!!

Post# 50834 , Reply# 1   12/12/2004 at 16:25 (7,166 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
Today's PAT

unimatic1140's profile picture
Thanks Larry!

I'm going to implement a new feature called the "Patent of the Day". If you go to the home page and hit refresh, right under the Picture of the Day icon is the new Patent of the Day icon.

It will be run just like the picture of the day except it will feature a summary of patent that would be of interest to all of us (washer, dryer, dishwasher, combo, etc). There are some wonderful and amazing automatic washer patents out there, some you will recognize right away, some will be for automatics that are beyond our wildest dreams, but were never produced.

The PAT system will start circulating on Tuesday. Tonight and Tomorrow PAT will feature this amazing Maytag patent from 1950. Can anyone tell me what is so amazing amount this particular patent?

Post# 50835 , Reply# 2   12/12/2004 at 16:26 (7,166 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

pulsator's profile picture
That is so cool!

Post# 50836 , Reply# 3   12/12/2004 at 16:48 (7,166 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

It kinda looks like the present Neptune Top load washer with the 2 tumblers on each side of the tub in an AMP cabinet.
am I correct? Do I win anything?

Post# 50841 , Reply# 4   12/12/2004 at 18:14 (7,166 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
So much for new and revolutionary...

unimatic1140's profile picture
You're absolutely right John! I was so impressed when I first saw the Maytag Neptune TL thinking that engineers at Maytag sat down and designed something completely new, imaginative and revolutionary. Now that I found this 54 year old patent, I see they simply took something their Grandfathers had invented and redesigned the idea for the 21st century. Oh well, so much for new and revolutionary. Just wait to you see some of the other machines that the manufacturers were thinking of building!

John looks like you win a solid Basket AMP style Neptune Top loader as soon as Maytag produces one :)

Post# 50844 , Reply# 5   12/12/2004 at 18:55 (7,166 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Kewl, Thanks Robert. That just jumped out at me when I saw those drawings. WHERE do you find all this fascinating stuff???

Post# 50845 , Reply# 6   12/12/2004 at 18:59 (7,166 days old) by westytoploader ()        

I learn something new everyday on here!

"So much for new and revolutionary" is right! I wish they copied this design when they came out with the Neptune TL...could have been the first solid-tub washer produced in almost 25 years! Plus in a retro cabinet! :)

This goes into the same category as when Whirlpool acted like they invented the storage drawer on their Duets. Not once did they mention the Westinghouse "Taller Tumbler"...

Post# 50853 , Reply# 7   12/12/2004 at 19:41 (7,166 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
Wow something new!!!

peteski50's profile picture
Wow Robert,
Another great idea from you. Your the best.

Post# 50855 , Reply# 8   12/12/2004 at 20:02 (7,166 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Thank you Robert! I love that---real interesting!

Post# 50887 , Reply# 9   12/13/2004 at 01:47 (7,165 days old) by arrrooohhh (Sydney Australia)        

Cant wait to see something new each day!!!

Looking at this maytag patent, I am wondering if it was meant to use a full tub of water or only a half tub like on the Neptune TL.

Having not physically seen or used a Neptune TL, It looks like the most interesting and stylish TL I have seen in a long time!

Post# 50902 , Reply# 10   12/13/2004 at 07:55 (7,165 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Too cool - I can't wait to see more! Thanks Robert and Jon C. for putting this together!

I have a Q&A book on the Maytag AMP washer that stated Maytag tried something like 30 different tub designs before settling on the AMP style perforated-liner.

Too bad they didn't keep notes on why this PAT 'O Day didn't work rather than spending millions on the Neptune TL that will end up in the scrap pile.

Post# 50903 , Reply# 11   12/13/2004 at 08:37 (7,165 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
I'm sure this machine was meant for a full tub of water. I wonder if they ever built a prototype? It looks like the agitators disks are a single paddle each and not star shaped like a hoover impeller. If you study the desgin you can see that the clutch at the bottom utilizes a torque spring so turning the motor one direction for wash and pausing and reversing the motor direction for spin. This means that they didn't incorporate a way of reversing the rotation direction of the agitation disks. Would be a very fun machine to watch, I also have to wonder about how fast were they planning on spinning these disks. Going relatively fast could make for a very dramatic wash! But I suspect that we might end up with a tangled mess at the end of the cycle.

I wonder how much Maytag studied this patent during the creation of the their new TL. They do reference it in their patent for the Modern version. Very interesting and fun to dream of what that washer would be like.

Wait until you see some of the funky agitators they came up with too!

Post# 50904 , Reply# 12   12/13/2004 at 10:47 (7,165 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
Can't wait to see more...

Seeing what might have been is more fun than what was really produced. Now we just have to find the prototypes and make sure they end up in our members collections!

Post# 50908 , Reply# 13   12/13/2004 at 13:22 (7,165 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        
washer patents

bpetersxx's profile picture
Look what ebay has on it.

The main web site is

They have tons of patents on anything.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO bpetersxx's LINK on eBay

Post# 50909 , Reply# 14   12/13/2004 at 14:20 (7,165 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
Too cool! Thanks, Robert!

Post# 50920 , Reply# 15   12/13/2004 at 18:28 (7,165 days old) by gregm ()        
thanks for your efforts

this website continues to amaze and educate me, thanks so much Robert for all your time and efforts ...

Post# 50932 , Reply# 16   12/13/2004 at 20:26 (7,165 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
Thanks Robert

This is very interesting.alr2903

Post# 50983 , Reply# 17   12/14/2004 at 11:08 (7,164 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Our beloved webmaster had a real surprise up his sleeve for us. Thanks!!

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