Thread Number: 72669  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Doin' laundry in the dorm
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Post# 960226   10/2/2017 at 12:57 (2,545 days old) by LordKenmore (The Laundry Room)        

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A Seattle area university's archives posted a couple of pictures from 1981 showing a student doing laundry. Here is the link. It's on Facebook, but should be publicly viewable even for those who aren't on Facebook (it works in anonymous browsing mode on two of my browsers).

I have to say is that washer does seem to be well filled. LOL

It was also fun seeing the old box of Cheer. I remember a period when my mother used Cheer.

Post# 960292 , Reply# 1   10/2/2017 at 20:26 (2,545 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Times haven't changed much. People still stand on top of their laundry to pack it all in.

The old Cheer had an industrial fragrance to it and was pretty high sudsing. It was a good performer.

Post# 960295 , Reply# 2   10/2/2017 at 20:41 (2,544 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        
Standing on the washer

How uncouth! With any luck he'll fall in...

Post# 960340 , Reply# 3   10/3/2017 at 01:37 (2,544 days old) by Superocd (PNW)        

Gee, I knew better than to not pack a washer well past its limits at the age of six, and that was the age I started to get real curious and wanted to start doing my laundry by myself, despite my mom not letting me.

Those poor Speed Queens can take a beating and come back for more. I know someone that owns a laundromat. When I went in there to fix ignitor retrofits on a few old Huebsch Originator dryers, I actually saw signs placed over the washers that said "Leave room for the water!" and "No refunds will be given for improper use of the machines".

There's definitely a need for an attentive attendant at laundries to guard the machines from being packed full (or, having 1/2 a bottle or box of detergent dumped in), otherwise even the strongest machines, Milnors even, would break in just a few days' time.

The newer computerized Huebsch and Wasco hardmount FL's at my friend's laundromat "tattle" on customers that overload as it will flash a code. Thing is, it takes a lot for a Huebsch or Wascomat hardmount to trip a no spin error, unlike a domestic FLer. The offending customers don't understand any of it and want their paltry $2 back and free wash to boot. Same for having sudsy clothes after the final spin...duh, too much detergent. I feel sorry for my friend for having some of the most idiotic clientele, but it's worth it to him as his mat does very well at the end of the day.

Post# 960399 , Reply# 4   10/3/2017 at 10:28 (2,544 days old) by losangeles (Muscle Shoals, AL 35661)        
Doin Laundry

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My mother was a strict Cheer user.  Before my wife and I could afford our first automatic, I/WE had many trips to the laundromat.  I witnessed many horrors of stuffing and packing of unsorted laundry into those machines.  I had to practice great restraint to keep my mouth shut.   It still brings shivers up my spine.

Post# 960407 , Reply# 5   10/3/2017 at 11:22 (2,544 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
The photos are posed, of course, but machine-stuffing surely is rampant among students both then and now.  I suppose there are copyright legalities regards to posting the pics here.

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