Thread Number: 731
Anyone want a digital belt driven whirlpool?
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Post# 50869   12/12/2004 at 22:41 (7,166 days old) by wigwag (San Diego)        

Hi all,

I hooked up the solid state whirlpool, wow can't believe how quiet the machine is when running, they must have used the same sound deadening stuff as the high end kenmores.

Anyway this one works perfect but it has a slight leak, a few scuffs on the front and a few chips on the porcelin tub. Anyone want it? Free to a good home that will let it go out to pasture and not wash for the household =)

Steven and Amanda

Post# 50870 , Reply# 1   12/12/2004 at 22:44 (7,166 days old) by wigwag (San Diego)        


Post# 50872 , Reply# 2   12/12/2004 at 22:46 (7,166 days old) by wigwag (San Diego)        


Post# 50873 , Reply# 3   12/12/2004 at 22:48 (7,166 days old) by wigwag (San Diego)        


Post# 50876 , Reply# 4   12/13/2004 at 00:02 (7,166 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

powerfin64's profile picture
I would love to own that beauty! I have used a MOL model and loved it.
where is the leak at?
can you deliver?(Im dreaming now..)
what year is it,roughly?


Post# 50882 , Reply# 5   12/13/2004 at 00:51 (7,165 days old) by SactoTeddyBear ()        
Re: Whirlpool Washer Agitator Concern:

I've always wondered about that particular Whirlpool Agitator, because of the extra "Scooped-Up" Fins on the Bottom. I had thought since the first time I saw that Agitator, that those Fin's would catch Clothing underneath them and Rip or Tear item's. If I was to have one of those Machine's, I would replace the Agitator with an "Normal" Whirlpool "Wavy/Straight" Vane Agitator, without the extra "Scooped-Fin's" on the Bottom of the Agitator. I might even replace it with a Kenmore "Penta-Swirl" or a "Penta-Vane" Agitator. If someone in the Club could proove different about that particular Agitator, about it not catching Clothing and Ripping or Tearing item's, then I might be able to accept it, but I would still have to proove it to myself as well, by using the Washer and checking out item's for Rip's or Tear's.

Peace and best to everyone, Steve

Post# 50888 , Reply# 6   12/13/2004 at 01:56 (7,165 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        
Whirlpool Double Duty Super Surgilator

powerfin64's profile picture
Hi Steve..
I had no problems ever with clothes getting under the agitator. there is so much water current movement going on when it agitates,I don't see how anything could! The bottom wings really do kick the clothes back up, more than you might think. Great for really large loads.
if there was any way for me to get this machine, I would be a happy man!

Post# 50890 , Reply# 7   12/13/2004 at 02:25 (7,165 days old) by SactoTeddyBear ()        
Re: Whirlpool Double Duty Super Surgilator

Hi! Rick, thank you for your reply. Does it even seem to move the item's without getting under the Fin's with a Slow Agitation, as well as the Fast Agitation? I also think personally that it is "ugly" with the extra "Scooped-Fins" on the lower area of the Surgilator, in fact it looks like they were an "After-Thought" decision to try them for better Wash Action. If you can see somewhat in the Top-View into the Tub looking at the Surgilator, think of the Surgilator looking exactly like that one, but without the "Scooped-Fin's", but with what I would call the Standard Base on the Surgilator, that is the one I would prefer to use, but if I had one of the Whirlpool's with the Double-Duty Super Surgilator, I would certainly give it a chance to proove different towards it.

Peace and best to everyone, Steve

Post# 50891 , Reply# 8   12/13/2004 at 02:42 (7,165 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

powerfin64's profile picture
Hi steve-
as long as your don't over load, slow agitation is fine also. I agree, I like the looks of the orginal surgilator better, but the double duty is a great preformer.
unless someone else has had a experiance with clothes getting caught under or torn, I really don't think its a concern to worry about. Id have this model ANYDAY to any of the DD whirlpool or sears models on the market today. I will say, I HAVE had clothes caught under the DD sears/whirlpool agitators.


Post# 50895 , Reply# 9   12/13/2004 at 03:46 (7,165 days old) by SactoTeddyBear ()        
Re: Whirlpool Double Duty Super Surgilator

Hey! Rick, we've got to stop meeting like this, the Guy's are going to wonder what's going on around our Surgilator's!!!

Anyway, just kidding, naturally, thanks for further info about this Surgilator.

I've also had some problem with a 1992 Lady-K {Mechanical Control} Model, which I also had the matched Gas Dryer. Unfortunately, after finding out about this Site, I learned from Bob "appnut" that his "Shredmore" also was tearing some articles and he just figured out that if he used the Medium Agitation Speed instead of the Fast/Normal Speed Agitation, it washed just as well and it didn't tear anything anymore. Unfortunately, I got rid of the set, before knowing about this Site. They were new enough that I was able to trade them in for a "TOL" Amana Set with a Gas Dryer. The Amana Washer had the Fluorescent Light Ficture on it, but the Dryer didn't have the Light. I was able to order the Light Assembly and I installed it myself, actually it was pretty easy, because it had the Wires already installed for adding the Light and I only had to exchange the Cover Panel on the Control Panel, from the Solid Panel, to the Len's for the Fluorescent Light Fixture. It also had the On-Off Switch included with the Light Fixure too, these didn't turn On/Off thru the Timer. I have since sold the Set to a wonderful Friend who had bought a house several years ago and she needed a Washer and Dryer. Interesingly, a couple of years ago, I met Todd "washerlover" where I live. We went out to some local Used Appliance Shops and believe it or not, the first one that we went to had an exact same Washer, so I asked if I could buy it on a Lay-Away and make actually only 2-payment's, 3-if actually necessary and they allowed me to do so. I haven't had time or space as with my other Collection Machine's to check it out using it. I do have to order the Liquid Detergent Insert and adapter for the Auto Dispenser, so I can use Liquid Detergent, instead of Powder, instead of having to place it in the Tub ahead of time. I'm also hoping to locate the Matched Dryer again sometime too. I had a Gas Dryer and if I can locate one, I will even take an Electric Model now.

I would have had the Washer and Dryer all this time, if I had thought about changing the Agitation Speed to the Medium Speed, instead of the Fast/Normal Speed, as Bob figured out with his Model, which I believe he told me that he bought his Set new in the Mid-1980's, when they first came out with the "DD" Washer's.

Peace and best to everyone, Steve

Post# 50901 , Reply# 10   12/13/2004 at 07:49 (7,165 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        
Double Duty Super Surgilator

gansky1's profile picture
I used one for a while in my electronic WP washer and thought it was one of the best large capacity agitators. In the same machine, I also used a Penta-Swirl agitator and the rollover and washing was far less effective than the agitator from WP with fins. Nothing ever got caught under it nor did I get the impression that there was anymore wear & tear on articles.

I think by this point in the electronic control machines, there were sensors that determined when the water had been emptied from the tub and started spin immediately rather than having to wait until the 4 minute drain period had elapsed. Saved a little time in the cycle, especially with smaller loads.

Post# 50905 , Reply# 11   12/13/2004 at 12:17 (7,165 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Steve--- I had a mid-80's Whirlpool for 3 years with the 'double duty fins' at the bottom of the agitator. I was sure it would catch/rip clothing, but it didn't. No problems with wear and tear on clothes, either. Not a beautiful addition to the agitator, but it really helped with rollover.

Post# 50916 , Reply# 12   12/13/2004 at 16:31 (7,165 days old) by westytoploader ()        

The Penta-Vane (similar to the Penta-Swirl) is probably the WORST non-indexing straight-vane agitator I've EVER seen. On small and medium loads, it's powerful, but on a large load (which counts the most...) there is virtually no turnover or circulation, except with bathroom rugs (another story...LOL). I think the problem stems from the fact that while the base is wide, the vanes are short and don't extend at least halfway up the agitator.

I now have a Roto-Swirl that I'm going to try this weekend...should be a lot better.


Post# 50917 , Reply# 13   12/13/2004 at 16:40 (7,165 days old) by Goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
With the looks of the console,I would have bet that was a DD Whirlpool,not a belt drive....


Post# 50918 , Reply# 14   12/13/2004 at 16:51 (7,165 days old) by agiflow ()        

I thought the same thing about the console.The dd wp i used to have had that same design console.

Post# 50962 , Reply# 15   12/14/2004 at 03:44 (7,164 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
The very first electronic control LFA-series Whirlpool had a variable drain, so I imagine it was featured throughout the belt-drive line. Double the time for pressure switch reset, plus 30 seconds, assuming that same algorithm was used for all of them.

I have a friend still running a mid 1980s belt-drive Imperial Seventy (I've posted at least a couple pics of it), with the winged Surgilator. Never heard any complaints about snagged or damaged clothing.

Post# 51041 , Reply# 16   12/14/2004 at 19:36 (7,164 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

At a glance I thought this to be a DD not a BD. Those "Surgilator" agitators could really get things moving! That should be a great machine!

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