Thread Number: 734
1964 Preway DW ads
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Post# 50914   12/13/2004 at 15:39 (7,165 days old) by gregm ()        

One of two ..... "elec" DW

Post# 50915 , Reply# 1   12/13/2004 at 15:40 (7,165 days old) by gregm ()        
two of two

"gas" DW ....

Post# 50945 , Reply# 2   12/13/2004 at 21:33 (7,165 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Super cool, Greg, thanks for posting this! I've always wanted to see one of these in person - what a fun way to load the dishes - facing the sidewalls!

Post# 50946 , Reply# 3   12/13/2004 at 21:36 (7,165 days old) by david (CA)        

I haven't seen one of these gas models in years-since the 60's. I think one may have been featured on the Beverly Hillbillies. Remember the "kitchen furnished by the American Gas Association" at the ending credits? I saw one at the local gas company showroom/billing office. I tried to see what was underneath to determine how it worked. I never quite saw it all; instead, I postulated that the gas component heated the water, maybe dry dishes to, but couldn't run the motor which had to have been electric. Looks like according to the ad here, dishes were air-dried. I never saw one of these in action nor have I known anyone to own one. Thanks for the ads of these Preways. I didn't know they made an electric machine also. Excuse me, salesman's brochures.

Post# 50950 , Reply# 4   12/13/2004 at 22:21 (7,165 days old) by gregm ()        
one club member has one I think

I think John in DC has an actual Preway gas DW in his posession.

Post# 50954 , Reply# 5   12/13/2004 at 22:44 (7,165 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Greg, thanks for sharing these scans. I would love to try a Preway 180 gas dishwasher, I bet the 180 degree steam filling the kitchen as the door popped opened would be just wonderful this time of year! Sort of like having a fireplace in the kitchen. And I love the glasses loaded like the Frigidaire, but tilted the other way. Very cool machine.

Post# 50956 , Reply# 6   12/13/2004 at 23:14 (7,165 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Greg, thank you so much for sharing. I had never heard of this DW (the gas one) until getting to know Gansky (Gerg). I waws flabber"gas"ted to say theast. My imagination just couldn't fathom how side spray arms and loading worked. Now I understand. Although I have some doubts as to the effectiveness.

Post# 50982 , Reply# 7   12/14/2004 at 11:04 (7,164 days old) by scott55405 ()        

Very fun to see. The gas exhibit at our state fair (where they show off grills and water heaters and all that) had one on display for years, that and a nice Hamilton dryer. Wonder what ever happened to them. It was fun to learn more about it.

Post# 51013 , Reply# 8   12/14/2004 at 16:25 (7,164 days old) by brent-aucoin ()        
Great AD's -- Preway and Norge

My best friend when I was growing up, had the Gas version of this dishwasher.
It was however a Norge Brand. I assume that Preway made them for Norge. Where the big letters say Preway on this one in the ad, their dishwasher had the same size letters that said Norge, of course.
It was a very good dishwasher. I remember always helping them load it. They had several kids, so I would show up at their house every meal to help them load the dishwasher and run it. They did not mind, because I would help them get dishes and laundry done, and they did not have to pay me!
I remember that the wash sound was very strong, and I was amazed that the dishes did not fly around.
I also remember when the burner would ignite, you could hear metal "pinging" sounds as the water heated up. Also, the gas solenoid was not quiet like the type now, it would clunk on, and clunk off. It was a neat sound.
The sad part is that this dishwasher was still running great towards the end of the 1980's. They had it taken out to re-do the kitchen, and replaced it with a Maytag.

Post# 51036 , Reply# 9   12/14/2004 at 19:29 (7,164 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

I never saw any of these---I wonder if they were marketed in the south? Atlanta Gas Light Company was almost exclusively Maytag.

Post# 51039 , Reply# 10   12/14/2004 at 19:35 (7,164 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Hmm, Brent, was this your bestfriend cuz of the dishwasher? (Just kidding!!). Hey wahat was the laundry equipment. And if that dishwasher was in the kitchen, what other spiffy appliances were in that kitchen? Bob

Post# 51357 , Reply# 11   12/19/2004 at 07:28 (7,159 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Prerway DW

It loks to me like the model posted before the gas model is a D & M built machine with Roto Rack.

Post# 51644 , Reply# 12   12/23/2004 at 10:55 (7,155 days old) by Jeff_adelphi (Adelphi, Maryland, USA)        

jeff_adelphi's profile picture
My brother John does have a Preway gas dishwasher in his collection. It has one wash and two rinses all heated to 180 degrees by a gas burner inside a stainless steel tube in the sump area. No dry heat is needed at this high washing tempature.

Post# 51645 , Reply# 13   12/23/2004 at 11:44 (7,155 days old) by westytoploader ()        

It appears in the ad that the gas Preway doesn't have a motor. Is this true?

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