Thread Number: 737
dishwasher info needed
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Post# 50922   12/13/2004 at 18:43 (7,364 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

christfr's profile picture
i wanted to ask if anyone knows about kitchenaid model numbers and what they could tell me about a KDS17A ?? i found one for ten bucks and its supposed to be in like new condition. hum will see when it gets here. but im thinking this model must be one of the older work horses that KA made. im going to dump the KA that i have now (its only 8 years old) and put in an older one. so if anyone has any info id love to read it.. thanks chris

Post# 50930 , Reply# 1   12/13/2004 at 19:49 (7,364 days old) by gregm ()        
hi chris

Chris, I believe the KDS-17 is a "superba" top-of-the-line machine from the '70's with the "four-way" hydrosweep arm, these are great DW's, just be careful when loading the lower rack, as to not block spray to the upper rack. Best of luck with it. I have parts if you need them. :)

Post# 51033 , Reply# 2   12/14/2004 at 19:22 (7,363 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

I had a '70's KDI-17 for years untill the motor was shorted out. Wonderful machine! Now use a KDS-15.

Post# 51213 , Reply# 3   12/16/2004 at 16:39 (7,362 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
looking forward

christfr's profile picture
am looking forward to getting rid of the dw i have in the house now. its only 8 years old but its not cleaning. this one is what i think the first year that whirlpool took over kitchenaid. so i guess that explains it

Post# 51354 , Reply# 4   12/19/2004 at 06:43 (7,359 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        

Actually, WP did not immediately change the KA mechanism after the takeover, so it sounds like there is some other problem not related to the ownership change. And it does have the advantage of the upper spray arm, which sort of eliminates the "fussy loading" syndrome of the early KA's, spin tube Frigidaires, and BOL models of other brands with only a bottom spray arm.

And to be fair to WP, I have an '88 WP that cleans very well and I'm very happy with.

Post# 51366 , Reply# 5   12/19/2004 at 10:02 (7,359 days old) by appnut (TX)        
oh Gansky, take a look please

appnut's profile picture
Christfr, I suspect your bottom hydro-sweep wash arm isn't rotating like it did when it was new. This is a common issue with the KA wash arm designs. Have friends with a 1983 Imperial KA. It wasn't cleaning anymore. I discovered the arm wasn't rotating like it should. Parts had worn out due to use. Gansky can tell you what parts have to be replaced, I forgot them, but he told me what parts to tell my friends to have replaced. Now it works like a charm.

Post# 51372 , Reply# 6   12/19/2004 at 10:33 (7,359 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
yep arm and rack

christfr's profile picture
im so goofy. when i got the machine of course i had to look at all the guts before i installed it. and the motor has a whirlpool label on it but i guess that dosnt mean anything, but oh maybe 2 months ago i replaced the lower rack. and at the time it looked the same but yesterday it seems that the new rack is oh maybe 1/8 to 1/4 inch lower than the orig rack. and it was blocking the arm from rotating fully. so i cut up an old tupperware lid and made 3 rings to fit under the plastic nut that holds the arm down. the arm still spins freely but now it wont hit the lower rack. i ran it last night and she is working fine again. but i still have the older kitchenaid on its way. so when the older one gets here ill have to check it out and decide if i should switch them out or not. id really like to have at least one oldie to play with every day

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