Thread Number: 74
Quality ISN'T Job One
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Post# 45011   9/13/2004 at 16:12 (7,479 days old) by Dbgstaples ()        

Well, I finally realized what you had all been talking about regarding the quality of GE TL washers. I thought I had been blessed when the sellers 'gave' me their 3 year old refrigerator, washer and dryer when I purchased their home. I received my first hint when I started cleaning out the refrigerator. I couldn't believe how cheesy the vegetable drawers were with their glued-on clear windows!

Thanks to your suggestions, I was able to override the magnetic lid switch on the mid-line GE TL washer and discovered that the spiral portion of the agitator was not ratcheting the cloths down into the water. When I removed the softener dispenser I observed 4 yellow rubber-like cylinders floating in the water. I figured out what they were and where they belonged and dropped them back into place and that solved the problem, but they were floating again the next load.

Since I had purchased a home warranty with the house, I called the service company and when I described the situation with their tech, he suggested that I call a parts house to buy the parts and avoid his $39 fee for a service call. When I called the parts house and described the situation to them, the guy said "that's the signal that you need a new agitator". I said "you mean a three year old agitator is shot?!!!" He replied "yep... these days everything is made to break!” After he told me it would cost $65 for the thin, snap-on plastic agitator, I called the service company back and told them to order it!


Post# 45026 , Reply# 1   9/13/2004 at 19:24 (7,479 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

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Better get the "rubber bands" too! These are 4 pieces of rubber,which bolt up between the cabinet,and outer tub assembly. They're supposed to help keep the mechanism from rocking back and forth.

Every new style GE washer that comes into my possession has them broken.


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