Thread Number: 743
Today's PAT - Kelvinator Style Obrital Agitation in an Agi-Tub by GE |
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Post# 50974   12/14/2004 at 08:42 (7,340 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)   |   | |
Apparently this is what GE was working on for many years to replace their Filter-Flo washers. The agitation consisted of a basket that orbits around an off-center axis in the exact same way that a ABC or Kelvinator agitator moves, but the difference here is the entire was tub orbits! I have heard that back in the early 1980's GE built quite a few prototypes of these machines, boy would it be fun to find one now. I wonder what this looked and sounded like during wash? Unlike their design, I also have to wonder if it would have washed even better and more dramatically if both the inner tub and the outer tub would orbit together as opposed to just the inner tub orbiting. I sure do wish they would have produced this machine as opposed to going with that plastic design of today :(. |
Post# 50977 , Reply# 1   12/14/2004 at 10:02 (7,340 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)   |   | |
I wonder how long it took them to come up with the current crappy design??????? It was a good 15 years between this prototype and what is now... |
Post# 50994 , Reply# 4   12/14/2004 at 12:35 (7,340 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)   |   | |
I love the fun fill system -- Part #72 is a jet circle fill tube, just like a 1/18! The washer can send 100% of the incoming fill water through the jet circle spray or it can divert part of the water stream to come through the lid and fall from a spout (part #22) directly into the center of the agitator. The center of the agitator serves as a detergent dispenser (part #48). Another interesting thing is the ramps in the tub (part #52). The drawing only shows one ramp but according to the text there are several: "A plurality of inclinded ramps, one of which is shown at 52, are provided on the side wall for effecting toroidal movement of the fabrics in the basket." |
Post# 51002 , Reply# 6   12/14/2004 at 15:08 (7,340 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)   |   | |
Seems to me that the ramps on the center post would be needed to turn the load over so that it uniformily comes into contact with the scrubbing ribs on the tub. They would be needed also to keep the load from balling up and going around with the water, unless the tub speed itself prevents that from happening. I bet it is a partial fill system so that wet clothes and a minimal amount of water are used to sling the load around. Very cool! Thanks again, Robert! |
Post# 51007 , Reply# 7   12/14/2004 at 15:52 (7,340 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)   |   | |
Jerry, the agitator column in the center appears to be just a molded post into the wash tub, without any vanes and it acts as a detergent dispenser. I’m not sure what they were thinking, I wonder if it needs to be so wide? They used the word “toroidal” in describing the action so I looked up toroidal in the dictionary and it says: adj : of or relating to or shaped like a toroid; doughnut shaped I wonder if the post in the center helps the wash load turnover in a donut like ring, over and over again? One can only imagine. Do you guys think this machine is very splashy? I’m not sure, especially since just the inner tub orbits, I suppose it depends on how fast the orbiting is running. I wish they stated the orbits per minute (OPM’s) in their patent but they don’t. ps. If you think this machine is high drama, just wait until tomorrow’s PAT. I would give my left %^$#*& for it! :) |
Post# 51009 , Reply# 8   12/14/2004 at 16:09 (7,340 days old) by brent-aucoin ()   |   | |
Robert! Just wanted to let you know that the "Patent of the day" is so great to me! Really enjoying the patents posted, and the conversations on them! Thanks! Brent |
Post# 51010 , Reply# 9   12/14/2004 at 16:10 (7,340 days old) by golittlesport (California)   |   | |
cool design! too bad it wasn't produced. with a slightly reduced fill and a fast spin this could be an energy star. top loaders got so boring in the 70's and 80's....everyone of them the same under the lid. it is amazing to see that there was actually some design innovation being considered, even though it never made it to market.
Post# 51012 , Reply# 10   12/14/2004 at 16:24 (7,340 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)   |   | |
Post# 51031 , Reply# 12   12/14/2004 at 19:20 (7,340 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)   |   | |
That would be cool to have a forum with the inventors! |
Post# 51037 , Reply# 13   12/14/2004 at 19:32 (7,340 days old) by appnut (TX)   |   | |