Thread Number: 748
1964 Maytag Washer - Never Used!
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Post# 51020   12/14/2004 at 17:42 (7,164 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
A Maytag Highlander washer, supposedly never used from an appliance store in Georgia. The display sign/card inside the lid isn't from this era/model but would still be fun to have.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO gansky1's LINK on eBay

Post# 51021 , Reply# 1   12/14/2004 at 17:47 (7,164 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
What a sweet little dream

I see they do ship worldwide! (Dennis would slay me!)

It would be too cool to have this. I hope some one round this board can get it. I don't have the dough to play with this now.

Post# 51022 , Reply# 2   12/14/2004 at 17:55 (7,164 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
how cool

christfr's profile picture
boy do i love those maytags

Post# 51052 , Reply# 3   12/14/2004 at 19:57 (7,163 days old) by appnut (TX)        
Hey Steve, Rhinnie's Christmas present to you

appnut's profile picture
Steve yells, I'm going to Cumming to get that washer!!!!

Post# 51054 , Reply# 4   12/14/2004 at 19:59 (7,163 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
David, just remind Dennis he'd be a all washed-up widower!!! (Okay, I'll slap myself since no one ever slaps me--maybe I"m lucky.

Post# 51078 , Reply# 5   12/14/2004 at 23:38 (7,163 days old) by scott55405 ()        

I'm going to point this out to my friend Roger. He just had found a Super Highlander 1964 that can't be fixed, and he is feeling low about that. Wonder what shipping would be to Arizona?

Post# 51085 , Reply# 6   12/15/2004 at 03:35 (7,163 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Seller is willing to ship worldwide AND give cash back if you return the unit. Now that is something very rare on fleaBay.

Nice unit, hope it goes to a good home.


Post# 51105 , Reply# 7   12/15/2004 at 08:13 (7,163 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

Great machine!! My guess, however, is that it has been in use (but very lovingly and carefully). Notice the parts card ... the Maytag emblem is from the 1970's/1980's. Wrong card.

That is a very nice machine!!

Post# 51120 , Reply# 8   12/15/2004 at 12:07 (7,163 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
15 minutes from my house. I'm on it...

Post# 51164 , Reply# 9   12/16/2004 at 04:25 (7,162 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Go, Pete, go!


Post# 51180 , Reply# 10   12/16/2004 at 07:27 (7,162 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
SO Peter

jetcone's profile picture
Where am I going to sleep??????? Should I bring my bag and curl up next to it in the livingroom??


Post# 51191 , Reply# 11   12/16/2004 at 08:52 (7,162 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

Go, Peter, Go ... HOORAY! Beautiful machine. Love the diamond operating light. That's just like the one I learned to wash with. We had the fabric softener dispenser and suds saver on ours.

These were really great machines!!!!!!

Post# 51193 , Reply# 12   12/16/2004 at 09:38 (7,162 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
All the washers are about the same height. I'll just push 3 or 4 up against another 3 or 4 and you can sleep across them! The control panels will ensure you don't roll off. I'll make sure the ABC Dryer is at the head so I can wake you with the end-of-cycle bell!

Post# 51206 , Reply# 13   12/16/2004 at 13:10 (7,162 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

Another home decorating dilemma SOLVED!

Post# 51227 , Reply# 14   12/16/2004 at 19:19 (7,161 days old) by drmitch ()        
Ho Ho Ho!

Hey Peter, This will realy look good under your christmas tree! Good Luck and Happy Hollidays!

Post# 51331 , Reply# 15   12/18/2004 at 21:41 (7,159 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Ohh I like that

jetcone's profile picture
A bed of washers to lull me to sleep! And backsplash bed guards to boot!! ( No pun intended....)



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