Thread Number: 75
Kenmore Elite - Need an answer
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Post# 45014   9/13/2004 at 17:31 (7,256 days old) by parunner58 (Davenport, FL)        

parunner58's profile picture
Hi all
I need an answer for a co-worker. She purchesed a Kenmore elite FL. IT was delivered on Saturday. I asked her today how it is and she said I love it. I said isn't it neat to watch, her reply was you can't see it wash. My reply was what? Is this true. I thought the Neptune was the only one without a window. I told her that maybe there was a protective piece of plastic covering the window. Does anyone have any answers? you can eamil me at

Post# 45061 , Reply# 1   9/14/2004 at 07:59 (7,255 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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As far as I know, all front-loaders sold at Sears (except for the Maytag Neptunes) have a window in the washer door. Are you sure she has a front-loader? I thought the Kenmore Elite line were top-loaders with the bouncing washplate in lieu of an agitator.

Post# 45062 , Reply# 2   9/14/2004 at 08:22 (7,255 days old) by Laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        
Kenmore Elite

laundromat's profile picture
The new HE4Ts have an ugly black plastic cover on the front of the doors covering over the glass windows of both units.I said something to one of the salespeople at Sears and she told me a lot of customers are purchasing the Duets instead because of this.If you go right up to it and stare at it for a minute,you can barely see inside.IMO the design would look more attractive if they (Sears designers) would match the color of the door with the body of the washer and dryer like everybody else does.

Post# 45066 , Reply# 3   9/14/2004 at 08:35 (7,255 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
I agree - get rid of the black plastic on the door! I've seen them for a while at Sears now, they've been using that on the white HEt3. I like the visibility on the Duet much better, who wants a front-load washer you can't see into?? May as well buy a Neptune TL - ha!

Post# 45069 , Reply# 4   9/14/2004 at 10:29 (7,255 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Plastic covers over the windows? Whose bright idea was THAT? Are they removable? That's completely disgusting! Who the heck wants a FL you can't see into? I'm writing my congressman!!

Post# 45113 , Reply# 5   9/14/2004 at 19:15 (7,255 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
I read a comment someone that the White on White were the only ones that had the real dark windows (like what has been seen in all the promo pictures thus far, as well as literature Leslie sent me). But the "groucho marx" looking verion was said to have the clearest view of any of the color versions.

Post# 46727 , Reply# 6   10/11/2004 at 11:16 (7,228 days old) by Oirish ()        
Windows on HE4t Front Load Washer

I've read a few notes here regarding the non-see-thru-windows on the HE4t front loader washers... Just bought one, so have up to date info... (hopefully, I'm not repeating this from another post or thread I've missed, if so, I appologize)... The white-on-white ONLY comes with the smoked color windows. However, the others (i.e., the white ones [has gray trim around the doors]) can be ordered with smoked colored windows OR with clear windows, so you CAN see what's going on inside *smile*. I've just ordered it (with clear windows) and it's to be delivered tomorrow. I mainly came to this site to see if or what reviews there might be for the HE4t machine, so far haven't found any. By the way, this machine is made by Whirlpool (i.e., as is the Duet), but I believe the HE4t is a higher rated machine, would be 'top of the line' if it had a Whirlpool label on it. You'd call it the "Dream Machine"... I had my eyes on the Duet for a long time, but when it finally came to purchase after doing consumer research, my decision was for the Kenmore HE4t.

Post# 47850 , Reply# 7   10/26/2004 at 13:45 (7,213 days old) by scott55405 ()        

On the GardenWeb laundry forum a while ago, I belive someone showed how they popped that stupid dark cover off. It's not the actual window, just sort of a plastic overlay type thing.

Most of the time when it comes to Sears/Whirlpool, I tend to prefer the Sears variant of the product. This is one unusual instance where I prefer the Whirlpool, and not only because of the dark overlay on the window.

Post# 47960 , Reply# 8   10/27/2004 at 21:35 (7,212 days old) by Partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
the windows not so bad

I have the smoked glass on my hettie and its ok. If I really wanna see somethin' I just hold a large flashlight up to the window and viola- Lighted tub interior!

Post# 47962 , Reply# 9   10/27/2004 at 22:50 (7,212 days old) by arrrooohhh (Sydney Australia)        

My Bendix combination washer dryer, (made by Philco of Italy and sold in Australia as Bendix) has a double glazed door and I too sometimes flash a light in it. If I am washing in the daytime there is often plenty of light to see right in.

But this new Hettie has a black opaque lens that you cannot see through full stop.

Must stupid Idea ever. Why go to all the trouble of moulding and assembling the glass door if you are going to make viewing impossible. May as well buy a Neptune .

Post# 47980 , Reply# 10   10/28/2004 at 02:20 (7,211 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
the windows not so bad-part II

After reading this post about the HE4t dark glass window, I walked down to Sears tonight(I worked at that Sears when we first moved here-hellish!) and looked at the new model. We just got 'em here because they were not there 3 weeks ago. That looks alot darker than the window on my white with black trim 3t. Yuk! And those silly dinky little baffles in the tub. Are the washer manufactors hell bent on taking all our joy away? Thats how I'm sure they are boasting that extra 1/10 of a cubic foot.

Post# 47988 , Reply# 11   10/28/2004 at 07:21 (7,211 days old) by christd1 ()        
Extra capacity

partscounterman- yeah the baffles and a change in the drum back give them the extra .1 cu. ft.

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