Thread Number: 75162  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
After 40+ years , and enslaving Brisnate at Xmas—the Bed of Nails yields
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Post# 989752   4/7/2018 at 11:36 (2,302 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture
Poor Brisnate> I made him fly half way around the world and forced him to clean out my bed of nails at Christmas time - “You wanna play 1-18? Get scrubbing! “ — My eVil plan worked - mostly!!

If you are familiar with the Bed of Nails, you know what a nail in the butt it is to keep clean. The closest I’ve gotten so far is high pressure water but today I found the tool that makes it just yield to clean!!

By the way if anyone has a later sub-top and pan filter for sale please message me as I still WOULD LOVE to upgrade my 1-18 machine , I will pay $$$$$.

See the photographic evidence and the clean filter >>>>

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This post was last edited 04/07/2018 at 12:50

Post# 989754 , Reply# 1   4/7/2018 at 11:42 (2,302 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
As I was enjoying the cycle run through today

jetcone's profile picture
I decided to attack the filter from a different angle, I got a fine metal pick out and started digging, what I found was that as long as I had some lint wrapped around the pick it would pull out the lint between the pegs— but what I saw was that those pegs are not smooth! It always appeared to me they were but when you wrap the hell out of the filter on the porcelain - practically chipping the porcealain; as the doctrine states —that never completely works. That’s because the lint is clinging to rough spots on the needles.

So I thought, what if I had a rough tool instead of a smooth fine pick? Then it hit me to try one of my fine files. WOW did that ever start digging out the deep lint !! It freed it up enough that running water took care of the rest and voila!! A clean filter for the next wash.

Poor Nate !!!

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Post# 989764 , Reply# 2   4/7/2018 at 12:53 (2,302 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
A Clean Frigidaire

jetcone's profile picture
Is a HAPPY Frigidaire !!!

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Post# 989792 , Reply# 3   4/7/2018 at 16:29 (2,302 days old) by Brisnat81 (Brisbane Australia)        

That was a very fun morning, I learnt it hits to play in cold running water when it’s freezing out and that Satan was running the R&D at GM by that point. That was a long couple of hours.

Luckily my 1914 Hoover rebuild was nowhere near as painful.

You made up for the torture with Christmas in Vermont and my first snow angels

Post# 989802 , Reply# 4   4/7/2018 at 18:34 (2,302 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
honestly......I would trade you my pan setup for your bed-of-nails version....

the next time your heading to DC....stop by, and we'll flip them out...

Post# 989808 , Reply# 5   4/7/2018 at 18:45 (2,302 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Why in the hell didn't you just soak it in acid to break up the hard water and lint deposits?

Post# 989817 , Reply# 6   4/7/2018 at 19:20 (2,302 days old) by Stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)        

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I usually don't mention my skills as a "medium", too many people start asking about their dearly departed loved ones. But in this case I will make an exception because I am picking up some powerful vibes with the following message:
"clean filter immediately after each wash while still damp".
Make of it what you will, my powers may be extraordinary but they are not infallible.

This post was last edited 04/07/2018 at 23:10
Post# 989820 , Reply# 7   4/7/2018 at 19:40 (2,302 days old) by potatochips ( )        

Would someone be able to post a picture of the pan filter? I tried searching for it and I cant find it.

Post# 989836 , Reply# 8   4/7/2018 at 21:16 (2,302 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
Frigidaire 1/18!

peteski50's profile picture
That is one awesome washer!

Post# 989847 , Reply# 9   4/7/2018 at 22:58 (2,302 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        
Reply #8

ovrphil's profile picture
Ditto! What a beautiful washer.

Sandblast it, spray with teflon paint and maybe the large lettering might actually mean something next time.

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Post# 989853 , Reply# 10   4/8/2018 at 00:14 (2,302 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture
All interesting suggestions, Tom your idea intrigues me! Robert your mediumship astounds!
Pete thanks for the compliment on Redd.
Phil I don’t think I’ve ever seen teflon paint before...
Martin please tell me why you want that bed of nails?? I’m all ears !!!

Nate the Hoovah rebuild was a snap and I got my Cory Coffee pot too and we had a nice lunch too boot!
Artey got some fresh corn bread.

Post# 990034 , Reply# 11   4/9/2018 at 10:09 (2,300 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

I remember my mother slamming that filter into the side of the waste bin in the kitchen. It drove each of our schnauzers crazy.

Post# 990068 , Reply# 12   4/9/2018 at 15:44 (2,300 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        
Teflon paint

ovrphil's profile picture
Jon Charles - you're right. What I'm remember is right, but it was removed from consumer markets a long time ago. The only way Teflon coating is achieved is commercially and I know you wouldn't pay to have that done!

If anyone is interested - Orion is an applicator of Teflon coatings since 1963!

Post# 990079 , Reply# 13   4/9/2018 at 17:23 (2,300 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
I never use the pan in mine....the screen is so fine, within minutes it is filled, and overflowing out the back.....

I think the bed-of-nails allows more water to flow through and filter out more never found it hard to clean

I have 2 1-18's, and both have that pan setup.....

Post# 990128 , Reply# 14   4/10/2018 at 00:19 (2,300 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

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Jon, I just gently knock mine upside down a few times in the bottom of the sink to release most of the lint, get most of the wet lint out of the sink and then run hot water over it to rinse what remains in the filter and in the bottom of the sink. Quite easy as long as you have a sink near your washer and as long as you clean it before the lint has dried!

Post# 990164 , Reply# 15   4/10/2018 at 07:44 (2,299 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Good points people

jetcone's profile picture
Martin you do have an important point , in my other machine the pan does fill up and backflow - forgot that one!

Phil I will try that method too.

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