Thread Number: 752
Older Maytag Lids
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Post# 51066   12/14/2004 at 21:35 (7,296 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        

veg-o-matic's profile picture
I've noticed in the lids of the older Maytags, there's a round black thing in the middle and something else below that.

What in the heck ARE they?

Confused in Baltimore

Post# 51068 , Reply# 1   12/14/2004 at 21:55 (7,296 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

That is a dimple molded into the lid to activate the lid switch button behind it. When you close the lid the dimple hits the lid switch to supply power to the washer.

Post# 51073 , Reply# 2   12/14/2004 at 22:20 (7,296 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
HI Veg.

I think the older tags had wiring in the lids the black round one was, pushed against by the the tube inside the agitator to start agitation, what we all know as a filter inside a tag agitator was at that time a solid piece of metal used as a float to push up and signal a full tub of water. the one below it was an off balance switch, if unbalance occured the agitator would strike this switch and stop the spin. Now i hope im right, but I picked this up in discussion in this site. alr2903. Something new here everyday LOL>

Post# 51089 , Reply# 3   12/15/2004 at 04:46 (7,295 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Yeah, a mercury switch would shut off the action if the lid was lifted.The other things were as described by air2903.

Post# 51134 , Reply# 4   12/15/2004 at 17:03 (7,295 days old) by sambootoo (Moody, AL)        

I had one of these Maytag AMP models given to me years ago, had to replace the transmission, then sold it. WISH I'D KEPT IT!!! This was a very fun machine to "play with." Had the water level selector underneath the lid along with the other gadgets described above. The version I had used a rubber diaphragm over the top of the agitator with a metal cap attached rather than the metal float inside the agitator. Air pressure created inside the agitator as the tub filled with water pushed the diaphragm and metal cap up against the mercury switch. This was a pain to replace if you ever had to remove it!

Post# 51208 , Reply# 5   12/16/2004 at 14:20 (7,294 days old) by gedish1947 ()        
I removed the metal cap!

As a kid, I couldn`t stand it any longer, I pulled it off saw the rubber diaphram and broke out into a cold sweat wondering how will I ever get it back, which of course I couldn`t, but I`m not sure my friend`s mother ever found out.

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