Thread Number: 763
A Maytag Washer scan
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Post# 51149   12/15/2004 at 20:57 (7,163 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

because i had a few minutes to kill...

Post# 51153 , Reply# 1   12/15/2004 at 21:42 (7,163 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Excellent design--especially the "flush" control panels! The Highlander would be my #1 choice--timed fill and wringer agitator=FUN!

Were these all solid-tub machines with perforated liners, or did Maytag switch to perforated tubs by then?

Post# 51154 , Reply# 2   12/15/2004 at 21:47 (7,163 days old) by scott55405 ()        

Austin, these are perforated tub machines. Only the AMPs had the solid tub with perforated liner. That changed I believe in 1958, and these machines are from around 1963-4, I believe.

Post# 51187 , Reply# 3   12/16/2004 at 08:35 (7,162 days old) by agiflow ()        

I didn't know Maytag used the term "quad coat" protection this far back.Such well made machines those old Maytags were.

I like the mid fifties Whirlpool's with the center timer dials they used for a coule of years.Maytag like and also well built.


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