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King sized bedding laundry chore
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Post# 1005590   8/31/2018 at 10:11 (2,070 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

I am not going to be specific about how long it has been since I have washed my king sized bedding because I am a little embarrassed. I had a bad experience at the laundromat the last time, so I put it all off for quite a while. Just to be clear I am talking about the deep bedding; I change and wash sheets weekly.

The last time I took pillows, mattress pad and comforter to the nearby Speedy Wash (Speed Queen equipped!) all my stuff came out reeking of chlorine bleach when I did not use any. I was particularly annoyed because I have those pillows from TV and they tell you not to use LCB; they reeked of chlorine for weeks afterward. I thought I was sleeping at a public pool. The only thing I can think of is that that attendant must have "cleaned" the machine by dumping some LCB into the rinse dispenser. I always seem to end up with a weird bleached out spot on my comforter and my mattress pad did not live much longer after this episode.

I've since replaced my mattress pad with one I paid way too much money for (Franklin!) because it promised not to slip off the mattress. It does seem to be of a little better quality than some of the other mattress pads I had. I have burned through a lot of mattress pads in my life. Anything you can buy now seems to be made of that stinkin' nonwoven polyester junk that goes to pot in a New York minute. What I wouldn't do to own the kind of mattress pads my Mother seemed to have with her for @ 60 years. These were heavy white cotton, along the lines of a quilted movers blanket. Because of how much I spent, I was quite reluctant to wash this pad so I have been vacuuming it every time I change sheets.

So finally the day came where the mattress pad was now visibly soiled and the pillows were greazy and disgusting. My Virgo nature could not even...! It all had to be washed.

I decided to wash everything in my Kenmore 60 series 24 inch wide "Extra-Large" capacity washer. I can't say it was easy, but I am very pleased with my results.

I started with "My Pillow". 2 King size. I filled my washer halfway with very warm (almost hot) water and added a full dose of Tide powder and a scoop of some dollar store oxi. I then manually squished and squeezed those pillows down into the washwater until they were mostly submerged. My little Kenmore was able to agitate these with some assist from me turning them over. Mostly, I soaked. I let them to soak for an hour. The wash liquor turned a nauseating greenish yellow and I wished I had prewashed at a lower temp first. I then rinsed twice; vinegar in the first rinse, baking soda in the second. I popped them into the dryer for 30 minutes and then hung them in the sun the rest of the day. I turned the clothes line around throughout the day. They turned out looking like new with no stains and they smelled so great!

Next I washed my navy blue comforter. This is an inexpensive piece I got at Family Dollar and I just needed a refresh. My washer handled this without a lot of attention from me.

Then I washed the two king sized polyester pillows from the shams. These weren't as dirty as the other two, but they were heavier-my washer could not agitate them. I had to provide the mechanical action, so I was just using my washer as a washtub that filled, drained and spun. Again, I soaked for an hour.

The mattress pad was the same deal; too big for the machine to actually wash so I swished it around manually and let it soak. My washer had no problem spinning any of these heavy items damp dry. The mattress pad was too big to dry right in my dryer (standard capacity Kenmore) but I live at 6200 feet elevation between the mountains and the high desert so everything got dried sweet in the sun.

My Kenmore washer is very capable at keeping two people outfitted with clean clothes and I'm really happy I was able to get through a special washday, even though it was a lot of work-I felt like a Pioneer Woman! Going to the laundromat is no picnic either and I am happier with my home results.

Post# 1005605 , Reply# 1   8/31/2018 at 13:59 (2,070 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

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Good for you David! I too have been washing all of our king sized bedding at home for over 30 years, with regular machines, both TL and FL and never had a problem with getting them clean.

Fortunately, the current Maytag TL we have doesn’t require any hands on help for these large items, other than loading and unloading. True, some machines aren’t going to give vigorous turn over for some large items, like a down comforter or pillows. But really, how dirty are these things getting anyway? Just the saturation and soaking with hot or warm water and detergent, rinsing and a good spin out are all they need to freshen right up.

Personally, I feel much more confident that they are getting clean in my own machines than some large commercial laundromat machine, that has been used before me with god know what going into it. The chances of coming home with some contamination using one of these machines is a risk I can do without.

Just think about the person that has an infestation of lice, that takes everything they own to the laundromat, loads up one of these 40 pound machines, uses warm or cold water, no disinfectant and not enough detergent, leaving behind “crawly’s” that will latch onto the next users laundry, no thank you!


Post# 1005619 , Reply# 2   8/31/2018 at 16:44 (2,069 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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David, congratulations.  Glad the results were more than satisfactory.  I was literally thinking about you yesterday wondering how y'all were doing and it approaching the end of the tourist season. 


I love the My Pillows we have.  I just follow the instructions.  Wash every 3 months, warm water.  Dry on high heat as directed for an hour.  It's the only time I use timed dry lol. 


And,  happy birthday 2 weeks early. 

Post# 1005742 , Reply# 3   9/1/2018 at 10:46 (2,069 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Happy Saturday David!

It is good to see a posting from you. Does this mean that your season of directing and aiding tourists is slowing down?

Best wishes to you both.

Post# 1005761 , Reply# 4   9/1/2018 at 12:44 (2,069 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

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Sounds like a good day for laundry there, David. I usually do bedding on good-weather days so everything can be dried and fresh smelling without constant attention to baling and rolling in a dryer.

Your laundromat experience is odd, LCB smells should be gone relatively quickly but I had a similar experience with a Lysol disinfectant used in a triple-loader before me once as well. It took several washings to get the smell out of down filling.

I have a king-size guest bed and when I was washing the hypo-allergenic comforter last fall, I tired it in my 2014 Whirlpool Duet which gave up and cried for help after only a few minutes. I pulled it out, dripping, and put it into my 1964 Montgomery Wards top-loader and it ran through the entire cycle without assistance or complaint. Sometimes, you need an vertical axis :-)


Post# 1005767 , Reply# 5   9/1/2018 at 14:02 (2,069 days old) by good-shepherd (New Jersey)        
reeking of chlorine bleach

Personally, I like the faint scent of chlorine bleach.

Smells sanitized and makes me think I'm sitting poolside somewhere.

Post# 1005830 , Reply# 6   9/2/2018 at 06:09 (2,068 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
Oops- I forgot the electric blanket

This time of year, the electric blanket is in the closet. I did notice when I put it away that it too needed to go for a spin. I have a little time on that as we are still running the A/C. That one shouldn't be too difficult.

I am just finishing up my summer season as a Visitor Use Assistant(Park Ranger) at Mesa Verde. I love being a National Park ranger, but the summer is busy and I am worn out, so I don't post much here. Soon I will have my furlough so I can become a nice person again. I have many home projects planned including rebuilding the washer transmission. Oh, and yes Bob I do have another birthday coming up. So nice to see greetings from you, Tom and Greg. Eddy, I am very tempted to switch over to a newer toploader like you have just because of this task. If I got a new washer, I would have to get a new dryer even though I don't need a new dryer just so it would all match and look nice in my house. So it's easier to live with the old stuff that mostly works. Douglas, while I usually agree that LCB has a nice smell, the smell coming from these pillows after this episode was especially strong and I was even more bothered by it because I assumed it had damaged the overpriced teevee pillows.

I just got a different phone and I promise to sit down one of these days and figure out how the camera thing works so I can post pictures again. For now, I must once again don my pickle suit (NPS uniform) and am working at the Chapin Mesa Museum today...

Post# 1018463 , Reply# 7   12/18/2018 at 23:30 (1,960 days old) by dylanmitchell (Southern California)        
Laundromat takes me three loads for a comforter

dylanmitchell's profile picture
Just did a King Comforter at the laundromat cost almost $20 and about 2 hours of time but I'm happy with the result. Put some vinegar in an old laundry bottle I'd rinsed out, took a couple peresil pods and some phosphate in a ziplock, and headed to the laundromat. The first load was just the vinegar on the hot setting, the second load was the soap, phosphate, and king comforter and the third and final was rinse only.
You wouldn't believe how much soap the vinegar only hot water cycle takes out of the machine, then the comforter got washed, and finally rinsed before going home to my dryer where I carefully ran it on low and rotated it a few times.
The laundromat I got to has free inexpensive soap people use tons of so the machines and dispensers get crusted up with soap. I may be the only one that runs a pre-wash clean cycle but it's worth it to me. And the machines run so quickly through cycles I find a final rinse only cycle is worth it. All much easier to do when your lucky enough to have machines at home for regular laundry and only occasionally go to the laundromat.

Post# 1018529 , Reply# 8   12/19/2018 at 18:10 (1,959 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

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Post# 1018545 , Reply# 9   12/19/2018 at 20:11 (1,959 days old) by Kate1 (PNW)        

I don’t have a king sized bed, but even my queen sized things don’t turn over well in my washer at home and I don’t even attempt pillows. Someday, I plan on owning a front loader in addition to my standard washer so I can have that flexibility. What I do is wash my bulky bedding at home once a month, even knowing it’s not getting fully clean, and then every three months I make a trip to the laundromat for everything. I do a full regular cycle with vinegar and water as hot as it will go before washing my own items because I know the machines aren’t cleaned very well or very often. I’m pickier about there being leftover detergent or softener from previous users than anything icky, I want my things to smell like my things and not someone else’s. It’s extra cost but I do it infrequently enough that I don’t mind so much.

I do have a recommendation for an old fashioned mattress pad. I know exactly what you’re talking about. I inherited a few like that from my grandmother but they were lost, along with many other precious things, in a move when my husband left the military. I found these, that are almost exactly what I had lost. I have them for every bed in my house, they’re fantastic for my kids’ beds and I even had a few that I used for their cribs. They’re currently out of stock but I’m sure they’ll have them back soon and they’re not cheap but I think they’re worth it.


Post# 1018549 , Reply# 10   12/19/2018 at 20:40 (1,959 days old) by wayupnorth (On a lake between Bangor and Bar Harbor, Maine)        

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I need to do a few loads in my Maytag to wash an entire bed and everything is fine after, especially my queen size. Last time I went to a coin-op was in 1974 and there is no way I am going back to one of them. I always got the '48 Kenmore wringer in a pinch.

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