Thread Number: 77
Whoever thought a DD machine would be this fun?
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Post# 45040   9/13/2004 at 21:46 (7,255 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Well guys, the Power-Fin and DD Surgilator John (Coldspot66) mailed me arrived today (BTW John I'm sending a money order covering the shipping costs out tomorrow). I cannot thank him enough; not only did he give me two free agitators, but they are both in immaculate shape as well (I haven't put the Power-Fin in the Maytag yet; I'm going to do a load with it in the garage sometime soon, when I eBay 2 more vacuums and throw some old washer "carcasses" of parts machines, so you'll see it then)! YAY!

Naturally I installed the DD Surgilator first, since the Kenmore is in the "full-time laundry". I'm going to use it for a week and see how it handles everything; if I like it and it works well I'll use it long-term, and if it passes that test the Dual-Action's going to eBay...). So far I've been impressed. It's relatively quiet for a 1-piece agitator (you only hear a light splashing and the hum of the motor), kicks up thick suds, is splashier than the Dual-Action, and rolls over well. The fast, short stroke of a DD is quite interesting to watch with a 1-piece since you really can't see it with a Dual-Action agitator. I did a medium-sized load of whites on the "normal" cycle (with a few colorfast lights tossed in) and it worked great. Even when it shifted into gentle agitation the turnover didn't slow. I'm hoping it won't ball sheets up like the Dual-Action did, because they took forever to dry...

OK, I'll quit squawking, here are the pics!


CLICK HERE TO GO TO westytoploader's LINK

Post# 45084 , Reply# 1   9/14/2004 at 12:32 (7,255 days old) by agiflow-action ()        
Ahh! The memories!

I wish i had saved the dd surgilator from our previous washer.
I could always get one though for the KM. See Austin,....those dd surgilator are powerful agitators.
I wonder if i can still get the lint filter surgilator for my machine.I will have to check.That would be cool,double the filtration.


Post# 45167 , Reply# 2   9/15/2004 at 17:03 (7,254 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        
I stand corrected!

So the Surgilator rocks then?

I guess it was because I had the narrow tub that made it awful. Go single action!

Post# 45758 , Reply# 3   9/25/2004 at 21:00 (7,243 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Maytag Agitator Stroke

mrb627's profile picture
Is this the tranny with the short ( like 120 ) agitation arc?

( Pic by westytoploader )

Post# 45794 , Reply# 4   9/26/2004 at 15:13 (7,243 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
Where to buy ?

Where would one purchase a DD surgilator ? I would love to get one and try it out in my kenmore.

Post# 45803 , Reply# 5   9/26/2004 at 16:34 (7,243 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Here's One.

mrb627's profile picture


Post# 45807 , Reply# 6   9/26/2004 at 16:43 (7,243 days old) by agiflow-action ()        
Lint Filter surgilator

This looks like the surgilator with the lint filter in the barrel.The only problem i experienced with these agitators,was that after extended use,the barrel would not stay snapped firmly in place.The barrel had to be screwed down to stay in place.

Post# 45808 , Reply# 7   9/26/2004 at 16:51 (7,243 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
True (sort of).

mrb627's profile picture
This is the agitator with the filter cap. As I recall, the filter insert is not in it. It is simply a two piece agitator. I did not see the one piece on the web page. Of course, is the only place I looked.


Post# 46130 , Reply# 8   10/1/2004 at 16:11 (7,238 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
Thanks !

Thanks for the if i order this.....will instructions come with it ? and It will fit a kenmore washer ?

Thanks for your patience.

Post# 46184 , Reply# 9   10/2/2004 at 12:13 (7,237 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Here's the DD Surgilator I have, and so far I love it. I can cram the tub full of white clothes and towels and the load will still circulate well. Of course on a large load the turnover's a little slower than with a Dual-Action, but you can still watch the clothes move. On a small/medium load (halfway up the cupped vanes) it makes a "soapcake" and rolls over much faster than the DA. It also works very well with sheets, eliminating tangling, and with bathroom rugs it puts less of a strain on the washer because they can circulate freely and not be forced to the bottom of the tub. The entertainment factor is better, and when you watch a 1-piece DD agitator you'll really find out how fast the agitation is!

I haven't tried the DD Surgilator with the lint filter but with the larger vanes and fatter barrel it should be even better. Although read Pat's comments before buying it; I don't know how it will hold up compared to the 1-piece.

Also, make sure your washer is a 27" machine with a wide tub; members have said that with a narrow tub a 1-piece agitator performs much worse.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO westytoploader's LINK

Post# 46188 , Reply# 10   10/2/2004 at 14:28 (7,237 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

Hi Austin,yeah the lint filter surgilator has 5 thin flexible vanes on the skirt,i don't know how much better the turnover would be,...but as you said it works better in the super capacity models than the 24" units.Those dd surgilators are about the best for washday drama as one could expect from a dd washer.

Post# 46207 , Reply# 11   10/2/2004 at 22:19 (7,236 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        

Thanks for all the info everyone & the link to the one piece surgilator I think that I am gonna order it, because of the a forementioned problem with the two piece mentioned by agiflow-action. I do have the large capacity kenmore....
Now.....there will be instructions with the agitator ? i am hoping... I am pretty much mechanically inclined, and with good directions can follow them easily.

Post# 46261 , Reply# 12   10/4/2004 at 08:45 (7,235 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

I had the 2 piece surgilator and I did have to change the barrel because the old one wouldn't stay on. The filter is what holds it on and it got loose. Simple fix.

I'm glad the one piece works well in the wide tub machines. I bet fun to watch too.

Those fast stroke Maytags with the classic agitators rock. They will pull clothes under.

Post# 46263 , Reply# 13   10/4/2004 at 09:05 (7,235 days old) by westytoploader ()        

The DD Surgilator really makes a difference in the "entertainment factor;" probably the only way to get anyone to stand over a DD machine the entire cycle...LOL!

The Maytag Power-Fin combined with the "Dependable Care" tranny has the strongest action of any straight-vane agitator I've seen...If you put your hand near the agitator (under the water) on a medium-high water level (no clothes) you can feel it trying to pull it under--never experienced this before! In the pictures, the last load consisting mainly of darks filled the machine up and it STILL rolled! Incredible!

Post# 46265 , Reply# 14   10/4/2004 at 09:47 (7,235 days old) by agiflow-action ()        
saturday laundry

I usually wash on saturday mornings. The DA agitator washes good but is low on the drama scale. I think a one piece neeeds to be installed to get at least some swishing and sloshing sounds from the tub.(yes the men in white coats are waiting..LOL)


Post# 46266 , Reply# 15   10/4/2004 at 10:58 (7,235 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        
Mom's maytag

I have some video of my mom's 1991 'Tag in action. It has dependable care tranny and turq power fin. Rollin rollin rollin. I should make a DVD or some clips of it in action.

Post# 46291 , Reply# 16   10/4/2004 at 17:40 (7,235 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
When did Maytag discontinue their "Dependable Care" transmission? Are the washers sold today that bad compared to those 1991?


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