Thread Number: 771
Easy Washer Twin Tub
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Post# 51201   12/16/2004 at 12:08 (7,337 days old) by laundryboy (Orlando Florida & Moravia NY. )        

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Hi everyone,
I recently aquired a twin tub easy washer, It looks almost new. (pics soon), here's my question, when I engage the spinner, it makes a terrible noise like a brake is stuck on preventing it from spinning , it spins a little, just very very slow. does anyone know what this might be ? thanks for all your help. Laundry Boy

Post# 51277 , Reply# 1   12/17/2004 at 09:05 (7,336 days old) by Designgeek ()        

What's the brand name and model number? Can you post the pictures?

I've been looking into twin-tub machines as a less expensive way to get energy savings & water savings benefits for lower cost than front-loaders, and the inherent simplicity of the design is a plus; so I'm interested in peoples' experience with these things.

If you're getting strange noises or any other indications of performance problems, don't operate the machine under those conditions, because doing so may cause more damage. Find out what the problem is first, there are a number of people here who are professional appliance service techs, who might be able to give advice. If they can't diagnose it, maybe they can recommend a competent local tech who can diagnose & fix on the spot.

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