Thread Number: 775
Son of a Pretty Washer-Gambles '75
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Post# 51221   12/16/2004 at 17:30 (7,162 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        

Gambles Coronado from the 1975 Spring Summer catalog

Post# 51222 , Reply# 1   12/16/2004 at 17:32 (7,162 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
and the Dryers

are almost as cool

Post# 51224 , Reply# 2   12/16/2004 at 17:36 (7,162 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
Features and Wringer Washers

I like this page a lot

Post# 51226 , Reply# 3   12/16/2004 at 18:05 (7,162 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
Son of a Pretty Washer-Gambles '75

peteski50's profile picture
Somehow or other I get the feeling this is a WCI special. I could be wrong! Any other input.

Post# 51231 , Reply# 4   12/16/2004 at 19:45 (7,161 days old) by pulsator-power (connecticut)        
Gambles Coronado

Anyone know what company made this washer & dryer?
Looks like Montgomery Wards

Post# 51234 , Reply# 5   12/16/2004 at 20:00 (7,161 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
"Continuous Cleaning Lint Filter" - not to be confused with an oven from this era, you still had to clean it manually. (ha! just like the ovens!)

WCI made - Franklin design. I've seen this washer in Avocado at a junkyard about an hour from here... I remember a couple of these, mostly lower end models from when I was a kid. Virtually the same washer came in lots of brands, Gibson, Kelvinator, Coronado, etc.

Post# 51262 , Reply# 6   12/17/2004 at 04:58 (7,161 days old) by Goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Yep,thats got WCI written all over it...


Post# 51282 , Reply# 7   12/17/2004 at 11:43 (7,161 days old) by pulsator-power (connecticut)        

Did they also make washers for the WT Grant chain- as Bradford?

Post# 51293 , Reply# 8   12/17/2004 at 18:39 (7,161 days old) by david (CA)        
hey Jerry

Well, they sure look identical to the Bradfords. I always did wonder who made those and the Wizards as well. Sheesh, I haven't seen many of those ever and certainly not nowdays. They were all Franklin WCI products I'm assuming.

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