Thread Number: 77602  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Where and Who Is Gsohoover?
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Post# 1016033   11/27/2018 at 21:10 (2,068 days old) by Washerlover (The Big Island, Hawai’i)        

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I apologize if this is an inappropriate post in this forum, but am loving the vintage washing machine YouTube videos posted by “Gsohoover.” In particular the early 60s Norge video. Are you one of us on this site? And if so, what an impressive collection of machines! And BTW, if you ever want to sell that ‘60s Norge, please let me know...


Aka Washerlover

Post# 1016039 , Reply# 1   11/27/2018 at 22:36 (2,068 days old) by hippiedoll ( arizona )        

hippiedoll's profile picture
No Norge washing machine in action video link??

Now you got me all curious, dang it!

Post# 1016042 , Reply# 2   11/27/2018 at 22:49 (2,067 days old) by gregingotham (New York)        

i had the same question. I've been watching some of his Frigidaire videos he's posted on YouTube. A nice collection and seems he's quite talented in restoring the machines.

Post# 1016062 , Reply# 3   11/28/2018 at 07:59 (2,067 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        
Like the Wizard of Oz------

look behind the curtain and you will find a nice wheeler/dealer young man with an intense interest in washing machines.

Post# 1016063 , Reply# 4   11/28/2018 at 08:04 (2,067 days old) by Glhturbo2 (Reidsville, NC)        
Thank You everyone

Gsohoover is me. Several of those machines are not mine. Steve was kind enough to let me film his collection and I will film more when I am in Roanoke again.

All the Best,


Post# 1016072 , Reply# 5   11/28/2018 at 09:33 (2,067 days old) by Washerlover (The Big Island, Hawai’i)        
The Young Man Behind the Curtain

washerlover's profile picture
Hi Tyler, sorry to expose you like that! I can’t thank you enough for those amazing YouTube videos of those beautiful machines. Keep ‘em coming!

Thanks again,


Post# 1016088 , Reply# 6   11/28/2018 at 12:45 (2,067 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

And still no link to get the rest of us started?

Post# 1016093 , Reply# 7   11/28/2018 at 13:47 (2,067 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

Ok, now I'm curious..... Where's the link?

Post# 1016094 , Reply# 8   11/28/2018 at 13:49 (2,067 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

Duh, silly me...

It took me 10 seconds or less to search on Youtube and find it...

WOW, I don't think I've seen than channel before.. It's VERY interesting.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO thomasortega's LINK

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