Thread Number: 778
Re: Between 1983 & 1989 Speed Queen Washer:
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Post# 51249   12/16/2004 at 22:21 (7,161 days old) by SactoTeddyBear ()        

I found this Speed Queen Washer For Sale, near my area. I would like some info on it, if anyone might know for sure what age it is? I've contacted the person selling it to see if it was a Solid Tub or a Perforated Tub and she wrote back letting me know that it is a Perforated Tub. Does anyone know also if it might have the traditional Straight-Vane Agitator, or might it have the newer Speed Queen & Amana Swerve/Curved Agitator. Thank you for any and all info, it will certainly be very much appreciated and helpful. "BTW" they are asking $50.00 for it and it is supposed to be still working real good and has never had any Repair's on it, since they had gotten it, but I don't know for sure if they bought it new or 2nd hand. I found it on the "craigslist" in my Sacramento, CA area, that was mentioned about by someone in another Thread Posting I saw last night {Wednesday, Dec 15th}.

Peace and best to everyone, Steve

This model manufactured between '83 and '89.
Speed Queen Model HA-6001-W
Lifetime Stainless Steel
Heavy Duty Washer
Good working condition

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