Thread Number: 77950  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Tub 'indexing'... I'm confused now
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Post# 1019708   1/1/2019 at 13:47 (2,082 days old) by rancherman (nebraska)        

Back in my GE top filter flo days,as it got older, once in awhile the tub wouldn't (what I called 'locked')
Sometimes the tub would revolve several times, then 'clunk'. All was good. Never really worried about it.

In this video, has a 1986 SQ beside a new 432. In HIS wording, claims the 432 isn't indexing properly. Sure looks 'locked' to me! Isn't this what is supposed to happen?
To me, the word 'indexing' means stopped or locked in ONE particular position.


Post# 1019711 , Reply# 1   1/1/2019 at 14:07 (2,082 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Indexing on topload washers refers to the basket/drum turning a few degrees of arc during agitation, typically opposite to one of the agitation strokes (either only CC or CCW, not both directions).  This action typically is caused by lack of a spin brake and is detrimental to load rollover, although there were a few brands at some points in time that were designed to index and touted it as part of the washing action (Westinghouse and WCI Frigidaire come to mind).

Mr. Rivas is pointing out that the new out-of-box SQ machine of question is *not* indexing when they typically do so until the spin brake "wears-in."  He's wondering why it isn't ... not complaining that it should.

Post# 1019729 , Reply# 2   1/1/2019 at 15:30 (2,082 days old) by rancherman (nebraska)        

Ok. I think I understand now. It's been a lot of years since my GE toploader, and thinking about it, there WAS some 'counter action' in the tub. Not much, maybe 10 degrees like you said.
Wasn't it more of a 'for every action, there is a re-action' type movement: Torque is applied to the agitator, and the opposing forces would cause the whole tub to turn as far as the 'stops' would allow?
So, on the new SQ in the video, this 'counter action' is being stopped, or greatly reduced from a 'too new' brake action? Plus there was no clothes to 'work against' and adding to the torque felt by the driveline.

Post# 1019734 , Reply# 3   1/1/2019 at 16:40 (2,082 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
1970s Westinghouse, indexes CCW.

1996 Frigidaire. Frigidaire & Westinghouse were the same at this point, owned by WCI (White Consolidated Industries).

Another Westinghouse

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