Thread Number: 77950
/ Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Tub 'indexing'... I'm confused now |
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Post# 1019711 , Reply# 1   1/1/2019 at 14:07 (2,082 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)   |   | |
Indexing on topload washers refers to the basket/drum turning a few degrees of arc during agitation, typically opposite to one of the agitation strokes (either only CC or CCW, not both directions). This action typically is caused by lack of a spin brake and is detrimental to load rollover, although there were a few brands at some points in time that were designed to index and touted it as part of the washing action (Westinghouse and WCI Frigidaire come to mind). Mr. Rivas is pointing out that the new out-of-box SQ machine of question is *not* indexing when they typically do so until the spin brake "wears-in." He's wondering why it isn't ... not complaining that it should. |
Post# 1019734 , Reply# 3   1/1/2019 at 16:40 (2,082 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)   |   | |