Thread Number: 78041  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
New to me SQ 2007 vintage
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Post# 1020542   1/8/2019 at 10:36 (2,113 days old) by dmbaile2 (Colorado)        

I have been on quite the laundry adventure lately. My old dryer shorted out last week for the second time prompting me to look on CL for something different. My intent was to buy something to get us by until we move to a new house later this year. I was poised to purchase a new-ish (1yr old) GE washer dryer when I saw an ad for a SQ duo.

After a quick internet search I figured I would prefer to have american made quality even if they are quite a bit older than the newish set that I was looking at, so I bought the SQ set and have no regrets. They are model numbers AES28AWF (dryer), manif 08/06; and AWS44NW (washer), Manif 08/07.

The SQ set is quite an upgrade from my mediocre Frigidaire front load unit. Just the difference in the "feel" of the machines is night and day. This has prompted countless hours of research into the SQ brand, which I had never heard of previously.

I am so excitable about this topic that I am beginning to let the internet convince me that SQ is on its way downhill, and that if I want a buy a brand new quality unit than this may be the last time I can do so as 2017 models are rapidly disappearing.

So I am left at a bit of a crossroads. Do I appreciate my used SQ washer dryer, and run them into the ground. Or do I take this opportunity to purchase perhaps one of the last great machines of our time, and splurge on a 2017 set? My used set cost me about 1/6th the cost of a new one; and normally I would be happy to run these into the ground. But this SQ 2018 redesign hubub has created a sense of urgency in me to splurge on new units while I still can.

What do you think I should do?

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Post# 1020543 , Reply# 1   1/8/2019 at 10:48 (2,113 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
10 Year Old SQ TL Pair

combo52's profile picture
Congratulations on your good deal, I would keep what you have and use them for the next 10-20 years, the situation with the current SQ TL washers will likely improve in the next few years, so enjoy your good deal and stay tuned.

John L.

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