Thread Number: 78044  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Direct Drive Clunking on Spin Wind Down
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Post# 1020612   1/8/2019 at 22:16 (2,025 days old) by Stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)        

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“Something is wrong and I don’t know what is..” sang Bob Dylan in what classic tune?

When you turn the tub it’s like you hit a flat spot once each revolution.

Any ideas?

Post# 1020614 , Reply# 1   1/8/2019 at 22:38 (2,025 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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The basket drive block isn't engaging the ears on the spin tube, causing it to free-spin when the brake applies and spin tube rotation comes to a sudden halt.  It's probably slipping during spin acceleration but may not be as noticeable since acceleration is at a slower rate than braking.

Requires a new drive block, and possibly replacement basket drive if the ears on the spin tube are worn down.

Post# 1020648 , Reply# 2   1/9/2019 at 08:29 (2,025 days old) by Stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)        

stricklybojack's profile picture
Thanks Glenn! I hope it only needs a block.

Post# 1020691 , Reply# 3   1/9/2019 at 19:29 (2,024 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Bad Basket Drive Block, If the ears are worn carefully bent them out a little and use a new BDB and tighten the lock ring tightly.


After repair if the basket comes to such an abrupt stop when you open the lid when the washer is spinning with no load that the tub bangs go under the machine and add a tiny bit of grease to the brake drum so the brake does not grab so hard, this grabbing brake problem is often what makes the BDB strip loose from the spin tube, we have fixed several hundred DDs that did this.


John L.

Post# 1020697 , Reply# 4   1/9/2019 at 20:55 (2,024 days old) by Stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)        

stricklybojack's profile picture
In the video the drum stops abruptly because it is grabbed by someone to get it to stop more quickly.

Post# 1020705 , Reply# 5   1/9/2019 at 22:57 (2,024 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Hi Robert, I am not talking about someone grabbing the basket, I am saying once you get it fixed if it stops too abruptly such that the tub assembly almost bangs against the inside of the washer cabinet, consider greasing the brake a little to keep this from happening again, I have also seen a number of DD machines that would stop so fast that it cracks the outer tub and they flood.


John L.

Post# 1020742 , Reply# 6   1/10/2019 at 16:15 (2,024 days old) by Lorainfurniture (Cleveland )        

John is right. I’ve seen a few randomly that stop so suddenly it moves the entire machine. I usually squirt a bit of wd-40

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