Thread Number: 78050  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Plastic piece under porcelain tub?
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Post# 1020650   1/9/2019 at 09:11 (2,025 days old) by Jrsydevil (East Brunswick, NJ)        

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Hello everyone this is my first post!
I'm currently working on a project taking a used Kenmore 80 series washer apart and cleaning the individual parts. I ran into this plastic piece that was attached to the bottom of the porcelain tub, does anyone know what it is and if its necessary? (This one clearly seen its days and is no good)


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Post# 1020652 , Reply# 1   1/9/2019 at 09:34 (2,025 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Lint filter.

It works passively as compared to previous Whirlpool/Kenmore filter designs that had the pump actively pumping water through for filtering.

This one relies on water currents generated by the agitator during washing and rinsing, then the collected lint is flushed off and out the drain during spin.

Effectiveness ranges from moderate to marginal.  The "fingers" typically get clogged with mineral residue and lint that doesn't fully flush off.

Yours is in reasonable condition.

This style was later replaced by four (or two) little plugs that fit into holes in the basket under the agitator ... then some direct-drive models didn't/don't have anything.

You can put it back on the basket ... or leave it off.  There's normally a keeper spring-ring that fits up into the basket neck from the bottom to anchor the four tabs (one of yours is broken off).

Post# 1020673 , Reply# 2   1/9/2019 at 13:20 (2,025 days old) by Jrsydevil (East Brunswick, NJ)        

jrsydevil's profile picture
Alright sounds good, thank you for the information!


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