Thread Number: 78054  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
lg wm4370
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Post# 1020678   1/9/2019 at 17:32 (2,104 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Hello everybody, I am interested in the lg wm4370 washer. What's new about these machines? I have been hearing that these new models have a DC pump as opposed to the older AC pumps. What do these new models sound like with the dc pump with the turbo wash active. I can't wait to find out.


Post# 1020851 , Reply# 1   1/11/2019 at 19:26 (2,102 days old) by lotsosudz (Sacramento, CA)        
LG washers

lotsosudz's profile picture
I have the same model. I can't tell you the sound difference, but I will tell you they pulse the pump on and off, for the noise of the machine overall.. You will love this washer, and the Turbo Wash System. I leave that option on, no matter what cycle I am using to ensure total saturation of all loads. I will be interested in hearing from you, as to how you like the machine. I wouldn't have any other washer!

Post# 1020922 , Reply# 2   1/12/2019 at 11:34 (2,101 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
kenmore elite version

I have the Kenmore Elite version of this washer. I always use the accela-wash option at all times with cycles that have this option available. From what I've been hearing, these models will have a DC pump instead of the AC pump as far as the wm4370 is concerned.

Post# 1020960 , Reply# 3   1/12/2019 at 17:44 (2,101 days old) by tomdawg (Des moines)        

My sister recently purchased this exact washer a month ago, she loves it and runs it all the time. the few times i was there checking the machine out, it does sound a little quieter than the older models- of course It hard to judge because each house is different. ex. My grandma has the exact same washer as I do ( whirlpool duet) hers sounds so much louder than mine. I will say its quieter than my whirlpool. hope this helps!

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