Thread Number: 78113  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Head scratcher Maytag...
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Post# 1021282   1/15/2019 at 17:41 (2,106 days old) by Stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)        

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Ad copy:
Maytag washer, front load, stainless steel drum. Working excellent, can be seen working. Delivery available. Surrey $145

So it’s a later model Neptune with hardly any switches?
Or it’s a Noretag dryer and this person is confused?

I am going with a Neptune washer style not usually seen here because it’s Canada.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Stricklybojack's LINK on Vancouver Craigslist

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Post# 1021302 , Reply# 1   1/15/2019 at 20:28 (2,106 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
The Picture is an Atlantis dryer:

whirlykenmore78's profile picture
Same as a Neptune dryer but with different controls. As for the washer who knows without seeing pics.

Post# 1021304 , Reply# 2   1/15/2019 at 21:00 (2,106 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
first clue....lack of dispenser lid on top tells you its not a washer....

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Post# 1021317 , Reply# 3   1/15/2019 at 23:37 (2,106 days old) by Stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)        

stricklybojack's profile picture
Here is both the W & D...

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Post# 1021348 , Reply# 4   1/16/2019 at 07:10 (2,106 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Norge Washer, Maytag built 27" dryer.

Post# 1021349 , Reply# 5   1/16/2019 at 07:25 (2,106 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

daveamkrayoguy's profile picture

Looked like something made for the Neptune users who don't want the usual amount of abundant features...




-- Dave

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