Thread Number: 7821
found: Maytag A806
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Post# 151152   8/28/2006 at 15:27 (6,596 days old) by pkazee ()        

Several weeks ago, I tried to purchase a new washer to replace an inherited Maytag A214, and - much to my disappointment - I discovered that all of the new machines appeared to be a tiny wider than my old one, and the old one only JUST fit through the exit, so I was forced to consider either buying a new machine and then taking it apart in order to try to get it down into my basement... or "settling" for an older, used machine.

With this in mind I stopped in at an appliance store that was going out of business, and - hidden in the back of the store - I noticed a rather retro looking washer that appealed to me as a collector of old toys and such. At the time, however, I had no idea that this website existed or that people actually collected this sort of thing.

In any case, for $175 the guy said he'd deliver it, set it up, and haul off my old machine. That sounded like a fair deal to me, so I plopped my money down and made the purchase. I then checked the make and model number and went online to see if I could find out anything about the machine.

This led me to this site and contributor KJ Ayvazian, would posted a query here on my behalf, ID'ing the machine (based on the following serial number: 736029UW) as being from October 1974 (can one really pinpoint this sort of thing down to the MONTH?).

Anyway, at KHA's suggesting, I've attached a photo of the machine here. You will note my purchase of the washer has prompted me to also purchase a few of old boxes of soap to display alongside it!


Post# 151155 , Reply# 1   8/28/2006 at 15:33 (6,596 days old) by unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hey Paul, congrats on your new Maytag, you are going to be very happy for many years to come with this washer! You can also take pride in knowing that your washer was 100% American designed and built. What was the machine that was replaced?

Post# 151160 , Reply# 2   8/28/2006 at 15:52 (6,596 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Hey Paul,

Would you look at that - the cream of the crop! You have a beauty there - many consider the A806 to not only be one of the best Maytag's - but one of the best washers - ever! ;-D You can pinpoint the month via the last two letters of the serial number. The first digit is the year, the second digit is the month.

I love Robert's post, and I usually forget that point - these machines are indeed 100 percent Grade-A US made washers!


Post# 151161 , Reply# 3   8/28/2006 at 15:54 (6,596 days old) by maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        
Hello, Paul

You did "real good," and you didn't know it (then!)

Congratulations. This machine should serve you well for decades
to come.


Post# 151162 , Reply# 4   8/28/2006 at 16:05 (6,596 days old) by bajaespuma (Connecticut)        
I'm just turquoise with envy.

bajaespuma's profile picture
If you ever find another one, please send it my way. That there is one of my top 5 Dream Machines. It's one of the last models Maytag produced with the intelligent Bleach Dispenser. Please send interior shots if you ever get around to it.

Post# 151179 , Reply# 5   8/28/2006 at 17:58 (6,595 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
Lovely Maytag

mayfan69's profile picture
Hey Paul,

Congrats on the Maytag!

If ever i had the money, I would love to bring one like that back from the U.S.

Oh well....maybe one day...never say never...


Post# 151181 , Reply# 6   8/28/2006 at 18:02 (6,595 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Nice washer,you won't be disappointed!


Post# 151183 , Reply# 7   8/28/2006 at 18:05 (6,595 days old) by rickr (.)        

rickr's profile picture
Congratulations Paul!! And best of all that classic machine lights up!!

Post# 151186 , Reply# 8   8/28/2006 at 18:10 (6,595 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
That is a nice washer and crucial parts should be available for a long time too!

Post# 151202 , Reply# 9   8/28/2006 at 20:44 (6,595 days old) by steved (Guilderland, New York)        

hey paul, congrats on the 806.... who is the appliance store you went to? I'm just down the road!! SteveD

Post# 151226 , Reply# 10   8/28/2006 at 21:27 (6,595 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
That is one BEAUTIFUL 'Tag

Post# 151344 , Reply# 11   8/29/2006 at 13:23 (6,595 days old) by pkazee ()        

Wow! I really had no idea that this news was quite so exciting, but I'm thrilled to hear that it is!

Unimatic1140 - the model I had carted away was a Maytag A214. Should I have kept it for parts or something? Please tell me I didn't make a huge mistake getting rid of it.

bajaespuma - It's too dark in my basement to get a decent shot of the washer without a work light, and I just returned the one I borrowed from a coworker to take the shot I submitted (and the one I'm attaching today), but I'll see if I can't borrow it back again soon, so that I can get an interior shot of the machine for you. May I ask what one looks for when looking under the hood of an A806?

rickr - I don't think my light works. What is one supposed to do to activate the light? I suspect it's something I could fix if I knew what to look for.

steved - Don't know the name of the place, but it's on the south side of State Street (Rt 5), and I believe it's near Fehr St. In any case, it's on the west end of a building that also houses a furniture/appliance rental joint, and there's a large MAYTAG sign up on the roof over the rental joint, which suggests to me that the entire building may have once been a Maytag appliance store. I believe Corelli's Restaurant and New Tai Wah Chinese Restaurant are directly across State St from this place.

Last time I checked, the guy was still there, and had a few refurbished appliances in his window, but nothing looked to my uneducated eyes to be worth getting excited about. He does have an old Pepsi machine in there, but I believe he said he was asking something like $5000 for it, and it's neither very stylish, nor in particularly good condition.

Finally - Anyone here familiar with the pros and cons of buying a vintage refrigerator? I'm very tempted by one, but I've been cautioned against buying one if I'm not prepared for the possibility of serious maintenance issues.


Post# 151358 , Reply# 12   8/29/2006 at 14:28 (6,595 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Hey Paul,

Take the two screws off the top panel to expose the timer, wires, the bulb, etc. You will notice the left hand side support bracket houses the bulb starter. It is either shot, or needs to have the contacts cleaned. It is the same diameter of a quarter, and about an inch long. You could stop by any hardware store as this item is commonly stocked, just make sure it has an identical rating. FS2 comes to mind. You may also want to pick up a new bulb as well. Let me know if you need a picture to help illustrate. Thanks!


Post# 151372 , Reply# 13   8/29/2006 at 16:24 (6,595 days old) by pkazee ()        

Thanks Ben. I took off the cover and did not see anything the size of a quarter on either the left or right bracket, but I did see the following:

1) two connecters (one on each bracket) that appear to be for the ends of a missing florescent tube. Any idea what tube this machine takes?

2) below the bulb connector on the "right" hand side of the bracket(when saying "right hand side", I am presuming one is viewing the machine from the rear), there's a rectangular box about 3/4's the size of a business card (but much thicker, of course... about 1/2 inch thick). There are two wires coming out of this box.. one going to each of the bulb connectors.

3) A wire also runs from the bulb connector on the left side to a small device toward the bottom-left of the uncovered compartment. A wire coming out of the other side of this device, goes to the Cycle Selector dial. There is also a wire going from the Cycle Selector dial to the other bulb connector (wish I could take a picture, but as noted in an earlier post, I first need to borrow - or buy - another work light).

So... in addition to being missing a bulb, am I also missing a starter, or might the box in #2, or the device in #3 be the starter?

And anyone know where I might get a copy of a repair manual or owners manual?


Post# 151375 , Reply# 14   8/29/2006 at 16:32 (6,595 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
That box is a ballast,needed for the fluorescent light.The starter fits in a hole in the support that the back panel was screwed to,not sure which side.Starters are usually silver in color,about an inch round,and about 2 inches long.

Measure between the sockets,to get the right size lamp. It might be an uncommon size.


Post# 151415 , Reply# 15   8/29/2006 at 21:08 (6,594 days old) by steved (Guilderland, New York)        

hey Paul, that's "LaMontagne Home Appliance" where I worked in the early 70's.... didnt think Roy was still around... I learned a lot from him back in the day - he opened up in 1949 and can't seem to actually close down..... I gotta give him a call...... e-mail me if you are looking for anything, I have lots of service and owners manuals ... SteveD

Post# 151469 , Reply# 16   8/29/2006 at 23:16 (6,594 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        
Photo 1: Starter location

swestoyz's profile picture
Hey Paul,

Wow, I just read what I wrote over lunch - and it appears I wasn't in the appliance frame of mind! I feel pictures will do justice with this assignment!

In this photo, I am standing in front of the machine, leaning over the left side (looking at the timer) to snap this photo. You will notice the starter still has the .79 cent price tag on it.... Approx the diameter of a quarter, and about an inch long with two little feet on the bottom (twist to remove)

Post# 151470 , Reply# 17   8/29/2006 at 23:18 (6,594 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        
Photo 2: Subject Starter

swestoyz's profile picture
Here is a close up of the starter with the type number FS2. This can be had at any local hardware store, this gem just happened to be picked up at a local Ace Hardware...

{Please ignore the place of orgin}

Post# 151471 , Reply# 18   8/29/2006 at 23:20 (6,594 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        
Photo 3: Source of Light

swestoyz's profile picture
In this photo, we see the type number for the bulb. Please note any brand will work, this just happens to be an el-cheepo from overseas (Okay guys, this is my parents daily driver, not a restored beauty!)

Again, previously mentioned hardware store should stock this bulb as well, and should be a few feet from the starter on the shelf...

Post# 151472 , Reply# 19   8/29/2006 at 23:23 (6,594 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        
Photo 4: Finished Product

swestoyz's profile picture
This should be the outcome when both items are replaced, or known to be previously working (hopefully the transformer is in working order). Once you turn the dial into any function where the machine opperates, the timer sends voltage to the lighting system, and presto - an instant classic! Enjoy your beauty!


Post# 151480 , Reply# 20   8/30/2006 at 00:25 (6,594 days old) by pdub (Portland, Oregon)        
I love 806's

pdub's profile picture
I found one too just a couple weeks ago. I am very happy with it. You will love this machine. The Pre-wash and Soak which then go right into the main wash cycle are great.

Parts are pretty easy to get for these still as well.

Enjoy your new machine! Patrick

Here's another shot from behind directly inside the control panel.

Post# 151669 , Reply# 21   8/31/2006 at 00:31 (6,593 days old) by pkazee ()        

Thanks for the pics, swestoyz and pdub! I haven't opened my machine back up yet, but it appears from the 1st of swetoyz pics, as well as from pdub's pic, that the starter must screw into one side of the rectangular box (the ballast?) that I had described as being "about 3/4's the size of a business card, but much thicker". Also, I'm guessing that the other device I mentioned (roughly where the red wire on the left seems to lead in pdub's pic) is the transformer? Or is it visa versa?

Anyway, I buy a bulb and starter tomorrow and see if I can't get this thing to light up!

Post# 151671 , Reply# 22   8/31/2006 at 01:58 (6,593 days old) by brettsomers ()        

my experience with Maytag: mom had a mid/late 70s two-speed model. ours had a smaller tub than yours. dad worked(s) in a bread factory, lots of dirty uniforms. and two boys. the machine ran until approx 1995 without a SINGLE repair. we replaced it with a Dependable Care Maytag (very similar to the 70s Maytag). the Dependable Care continues to work flawlessly to this day. Maytag was the Kitchenaid of washers.

Post# 151686 , Reply# 23   8/31/2006 at 07:07 (6,593 days old) by rinso (Meridian Idaho)        

Paul, My ex-wife still has the shaded avocado A806 that we purchased in 1969. It's still working perfectly and in immaculate condition.

Post# 151703 , Reply# 24   8/31/2006 at 09:23 (6,593 days old) by mayken4now (Panama City, Florida)        

mayken4now's profile picture

What a wonderful find. You will have years of trouble free washing with this machine.


Post# 151751 , Reply# 25   8/31/2006 at 15:16 (6,593 days old) by thor (Buenos Aires)        

Paul, I love your new find! This is surely one of my favorite washers.

The starter is not screwed in place, it is rather the "push and turn" type. Just push and turn CCW (left) to remove and push and turn CW (right) to install.

Please take more pictures once the light is working!


Post# 151774 , Reply# 26   8/31/2006 at 21:12 (6,592 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Hey Paul -

Yep - you got it right. I've included a photo which illustrates what each component is (besides the bulb). I think you push slightly on the starter and twist (just a little bit) to the left to take the starter out, and the reverse for installation. Make sure you can get a shot of your new machine in all of its lighted glory!


Post# 151780 , Reply# 27   8/31/2006 at 21:48 (6,592 days old) by bajaespuma (Connecticut)        

bajaespuma's profile picture
IIRC that diagram is from the first A806 year!

Post# 151782 , Reply# 28   8/31/2006 at 21:52 (6,592 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Ken - you are correct! And here is the top section to that page - notice the 66/67 machines have a Wash 'n Wear button - no Perm Press here! LOL


Post# 151949 , Reply# 29   9/1/2006 at 19:28 (6,591 days old) by lightedcontrols ()        

This model machine also has a lighted tub! It takes a bayonnet style bulb that lights when the lid is opened. Need info on how to locate it and replace the bulb? Mark

Post# 152429 , Reply# 30   9/4/2006 at 23:28 (6,588 days old) by pkazee ()        

EVERYONE - Thanks again for all the help! I purchased a bulb and a starter today and my 806 lights up like a charm (see photo).

bajaespuma - As requested, I have taken a photo of the interior and will include it in my next post.

lightedcontrols - The tub is also supposed to light up? How is that possible? Presuming you are not pulling my leg, please post photos so that I can locate where the bulb goes and try to get this light working as well!

Post# 152430 , Reply# 31   9/4/2006 at 23:29 (6,588 days old) by pkazee ()        

bajaespuma - Here's that INTERIOR shot.

Post# 152431 , Reply# 32   9/4/2006 at 23:33 (6,588 days old) by pkazee ()        

3rd of 3 posts

Sorry to take up another post here. Should have included the following question in one of my previous posts.

Anyway, now that I have this nifty washer that lights up, I find myself wondering what the perfect dryer would be to go along with it? Any suggestions?


Post# 152432 , Reply# 33   9/4/2006 at 23:34 (6,588 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Gas or Electric DG806 or DE806 dryers.

Post# 152433 , Reply# 34   9/4/2006 at 23:35 (6,588 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Oh, and I forgot my southern manners. Beautiful appliance. Once you get the tub light installed, it will knock your sox off for sure!!!

Post# 152439 , Reply# 35   9/5/2006 at 00:03 (6,588 days old) by fixerman ()        

If you push the top of the tub all the way to the left you will see a little window on the right side of the tub top. Assume one would have to remove the front to access the light socket for bulb replacement

Post# 152687 , Reply# 36   9/5/2006 at 21:49 (6,587 days old) by pkazee ()        

Thanks Fixerman. I found the window you mentioned, and then I removed the front panel to see if I could find the light. Much to my dismay, instead of a socket holding a burnt out bulb, I found a socket wrapped up in electrical tape. I unwrapped the tape to try to take a better look at the socket, but unfortunately, it was just far enough back into the machine as to be difficult to get a clear look at. Still, though I could be mistaken, it seemed as if it might have sustained a bit of damage at some point in the past. Would anyone happen to have a photo of what the socket is supposed to look like? Also, if I were to try to find a replacement, what should I be looking for? Ditto regarding a replacement bulb.

Thanks again!

Post# 152694 , Reply# 37   9/5/2006 at 22:18 (6,587 days old) by fixerman ()        

Now remove the two screws from the front of the top and raise the top to access the socket. I don't have a pic but I am sure someone here will.

Post# 152779 , Reply# 38   9/6/2006 at 10:06 (6,587 days old) by poriv2345 ()        
Repairing an A806

I recently acquired a Maytag A806 with a couple of problems. The timer is temperamental and sometimes won't start the machine. A tap on the lid usually does the trick. More important, sometime during the cycles the machine sends water up the bleach dispenser all the way out the bleach input nozzle. Unfortunately the water doesn't just go into the tub but rather hits the tub lip and flows down the outside of the tub into the enclosure.


Post# 152856 , Reply# 39   9/6/2006 at 18:44 (6,586 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

bpetersxx's profile picture
Timer problems might be the timer motor beginning to fail

My 606s Maytag would not start and the timer motor was out

Also the lid switch could be at fault

Check the lid switch first as it is simple easy and inexpensive to fix

The bleach problem may be harder to fix.

On the newer 806 models there is a deflector in the bottom of the tub that shoots the bleach away from the inner tub so the bleach does not damage the clothes

The deflector opening should be pointing to the right as the basket spins counterclockwise to drain

If it is pointing to the left the water will swirl up into the bleach hose and come out the bleach cup on the top of the washer

The picture shows the bleach deflector in the tub with the bleach hose hooked to it

I do not explain things too well so if one of our more experienced members can simplify this I will be grateful

Post# 152892 , Reply# 40   9/6/2006 at 22:26 (6,586 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        
Tub Bulb Photos

swestoyz's profile picture
Hey Paul,

It has been busy around here - I finally got around to taking a shot of the tub bulb for you. Once you have the top up on your Maytag, you can pull out the socket away from the hanger. It is basicly a rubber boot around a metal socket. The previous owner may have tapped it up as current does pass through the leads when the machine opperates. Just twist the bulb ever-so-slightly to the left (when looking at it), and it will come out.

Post# 152893 , Reply# 41   9/6/2006 at 22:29 (6,586 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        
The Bulb

swestoyz's profile picture
Greg Nunn suggested looking at the hardware store (Lowes, Menards, Home Depot) for this bulb. You can find replacements for just a few dollars. Look in the lighting section around the smaller bulbs - I think Menards carries them in a Westinghouse brand.

Make sure the voltage is 120v, not 12v (12v is for a automotive). I think originally these guys were outfitted with either a 7 or a 10 watt bulb. 15 watts does a pretty good job, and you can even fit a 25 watt bulb in there, but the porcelin top can get a bit hot.

Post# 152894 , Reply# 42   9/6/2006 at 22:32 (6,586 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        
The Product - brightly displayed waves!

swestoyz's profile picture
Here is a 25 watt bulb in my 1966 A806S. This little feature really is the icing on the cake! Enjoy your beauty ~


Post# 152908 , Reply# 43   9/6/2006 at 23:27 (6,586 days old) by dadoes (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
I put a 25-watt bulb into my A906 ... but it hasn't yet seen much use. Now I have to figure out how to get it rewired around the lid switch.

Post# 153209 , Reply# 44   9/8/2006 at 10:42 (6,585 days old) by poriv2345 ()        
A806 Problem

On the bleach dispenser problem - Could I block off the bleach dispenser to prevent the water going back up the tubes? Is that possible without creating other problems?

Post# 154395 , Reply# 45   9/14/2006 at 10:58 (6,579 days old) by pkazee ()        

You guys are great! I haven't yet taken the front panel off again (nor tried removing the cover), but I did purchase a bulb from a local parts store, and have ordered a replacement socket, JUST IN CASE my 1st impression of it as being damaged proves correct (I figured I could afford to waste the $7 asking price, if I discover that the original socket is actually OK as is). Anyway, once the socket comes in, I will open the unit up and either put in the new bulb (if the orig. socket is sound), or replace the socket and then put in the new bulb. Either way, once it's operational, I will consider buying a stronger bulb, as it never occured to me that there might be acceptable brightness options (the parts guy provided me with a 10W bulb).

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