Thread Number: 78349  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Kenmore 665.13222 wash action
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Post# 1023819   2/6/2019 at 21:11 (1,996 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Hello everybody, I am enjoying my new Kenmore 665.13222 dishwasher that my dad ordered from Sears last year. Something about this dishwasher intrigues me. It is the wash action. When I start the dishwasher, it will drain the water depending on how much water is in it. Then it will fill. During this time, the main wash/rinse pump initiates the wash action. Which rack will it start with? Will it start with the upper or lower rack? What intrigues me even more is the "powerwave" wash arm. It looks like a standard wash arm to me. How does this arm change wash patterns? Why does it speed up and slow down? It's not like it's oversudsing or anything. When I ran it with the door open, I got sprayed by the spray from the lower "powerwave" wash arm. During the first prewash, it will cavitate at first which it has always done. Seconds later, it switches. I NEVER prerinse dishes in the first place, which is why I have a dishwasher for a reason. I HATE HATE! Washing dishes by hand, so I'm not gonna complain. I use the "smart" wash, high-temp wash and heated dry along Cascade Complete gel in citrus breeze and the companion Cascade platinum rinse aid. The spray from the "powerwave" sounds forceful than the upper rack if that's what this dishwasher does. When I ran it with nothing in it, I heard how powerful the spray was despite the tiny pump this dishwasher has. This is when I did a cleaning cycle with Cascade dishwasher cleaner in it.
What are your thoughts and observations? Mine has a filter in it which works quite well. I miss the hard food disposer in it.

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