Thread Number: 78374  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
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Post# 1024038   2/8/2019 at 21:00 (1,995 days old) by Washerlover (The Big Island, Hawai’i)        

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Found this on ebay and could’t resist buying it. Appears to be a late ‘40s early ‘50s mailer advertising special sale items (inside is a mattress for $34 and a lawn mower for $64!).

No date on the ad; wonder who manufactured the fabulous “Wardomatic” washer and dryer? Obviously before Montgomery Ward started badging their machines with the exclusive “Signature” brand name. Interesting how the washer holds 8-9 lbs yet the dryer boasts 18 lbs!

Just wanted to share.

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Post# 1024042 , Reply# 1   2/8/2019 at 22:06 (1,995 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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18 lbs of wet clothes ... not 18 lbs of clothes, wet.   :-)

Post# 1024044 , Reply# 2   2/8/2019 at 22:10 (1,995 days old) by Ultramatic (New York City)        

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I'd say 1957 or there abouts. As for the manufacturer, the only other company that had a fiberglass basket that I know of was APEX. Experts?

Post# 1024064 , Reply# 3   2/9/2019 at 00:51 (1,994 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

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Very cool ad, rare machines. This was made by Apex. They also made for Zenith that comes up POD now and then. Apex made an agitator machine with a transmission and agitator as well as the bouncing basket. I believe the Apex appliance factory closed in 1958/59.

Post# 1024095 , Reply# 4   2/9/2019 at 10:32 (1,994 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
They made

The bouncing basket models for Wards and Universal for a while as well as the agitator models, Apex and Eureka made the vacuums and Westinghouse also made vacuums in the mid to late 50s.

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