Thread Number: 78383  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Behold the WhirlChenTag Dishwasher
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Post# 1024111   2/9/2019 at 14:12 (2,123 days old) by joeekaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        

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The dishwasher referenced in the link below has washed its last dish.  In its place sits what might be called a WhirlChenTag because it incorporates features from three lines owned by Whirlpool.  The belly-button badge on the front says Whirlpool.  Inside one sees the family resemblance to Whirlpool-sourced Kenmore machines.  From KitchenAid it inherits the 7-hour plus Soak & Wash cycle, here called Soak & Clean.  And the reach-in door handle comes from middle to low end Maytags.  Home Depot's moving-target pricing had it cheaper than the same model in white or black.


It's a filtration model lacking an internal food waste disposer, but cleaning the filters is just another task on Vinegar Day every 4 weeks.


Seems to clean just as well as the Kenmore.  Stay tuned for updates.


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Post# 1024114 , Reply# 1   2/9/2019 at 14:35 (2,123 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Joe, actually the 7-hour soak & scour cycle is only used on WP brand.

Post# 1024116 , Reply# 2   2/9/2019 at 14:41 (2,123 days old) by joeekaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        
When did KitchenAid drop it?

joeekaitis's profile picture


It was on the Superba, wasn't it?

Post# 1024117 , Reply# 3   2/9/2019 at 14:51 (2,123 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Yes, it used to be on Superbas.  They called it soak & scrub and was the pots & pans cycle.  The 7 hour cycle is a WP "idea" that emerged on their 2nd generation of tall tub dishwashers.  It is obviously an overnight cycle with periodic sprays during the pre wash.  Manuals say to add detergent for prewash if using that cycle.  Is this the WDF52 or WDF540?  Congratulations on the new toy.

Post# 1024119 , Reply# 4   2/9/2019 at 15:19 (2,123 days old) by joeekaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        

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Post# 1024151 , Reply# 5   2/9/2019 at 23:41 (2,123 days old) by jakeseacrest (Massachusetts)        

jakeseacrest's profile picture
I hate the top rack. This is my second dishwasher with it and none of my mugs fit in between the tines. Glasses only fit on the outer rows or down the middle. Poor design in my opinion

Post# 1024167 , Reply# 6   2/10/2019 at 02:52 (2,123 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        

I'm not a big fan of my KA upper rack either.  My older GE had what I consider the perfect upper rack, fully adjustable with well planned spacing.  Whole thing could fold flat if need be.

Post# 1024223 , Reply# 7   2/10/2019 at 15:32 (2,122 days old) by joeekaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        
How much does it hold and how well does it clean?

joeekaitis's profile picture


Like the previous Kenmore, it happily accepts an 8-quart pressure cooker pot in the top rack.


As to cleaning performance, the second photo shows the results of washing that pot on the Normal cycle with the High Temp wash and Heated Dry options.  Didn't purge the hot water line and put one scoop of Bubble Bandit in the main wash chamber.  The pot was used to cook black beans, which usually covers the bottom in an ashy mineral residue requiring polishing with Bar Keeper's Friend.  Close examination shows a few traces of residue.  Came out with just a light sprinkle of BKF.


Next slide, please.


A before-and-after comparison of an Arcoroc workman's tumbler crusted with coffee and almond milk residue and deliberately loaded in the most distant corner of the upper rack.

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Post# 1024239 , Reply# 8   2/10/2019 at 19:22 (2,122 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

So, are you pleased??? Or even more than that?

Post# 1024241 , Reply# 9   2/10/2019 at 19:30 (2,122 days old) by joeekaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        

joeekaitis's profile picture


It's a keeper.


Post# 1024341 , Reply# 10   2/11/2019 at 21:56 (2,121 days old) by IowaBear (Cedar Rapids, IA)        

iowabear's profile picture

I like the exterior and the blue lights.


It's still very similar to my plastic tub WP from 9 years ago, except mine has the grinder vs. the filter.


Dishwashers have become a boring category with WP making so many of them.  But you can't argue with the performance, mine still does a great job with a premium detergent pac and the pots and pans cycle repairs so far.

Post# 1024362 , Reply# 11   2/12/2019 at 07:46 (2,121 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Congratulations On Your New Sensible DW

combo52's profile picture

As the worlds largest DW builder there is little denying that WP still builds the best DWs , from these lower cost models that excel at cleaning, are simple to install and service, to the heaver-duty Maytag line that feature the biggest motor in any home DW and still have a robust grinder, to the very sophisticated higher end Kitchenaid and Jenn-Air models that are much better than Bosch and Miele models.


And best of all they are all Union Built in Findlay Ohio.


Hi Joe, I don't understand the need to clean with vinegar every 4 weeks, if you are getting any mineral build up you should try different detergents or combinations. If you are getting any build-up your dishes and glassware are not as clean as they could and mineral build-up will wear out out the diverter shaft seal and main motor seal prematurely, trying to clean it up every month will do little good as the seal damage is already done.


John L.

Post# 1024368 , Reply# 12   2/12/2019 at 09:09 (2,121 days old) by Pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
when i have to clean the dishwasher

pierreandreply4's profile picture
when I have to clean the ge dishwasher that my mom and I own I use this finish dishwasher cleaner

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Post# 1024950 , Reply# 13   2/17/2019 at 18:18 (2,115 days old) by joeekaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        
Time for more before-and-after pictures.

joeekaitis's profile picture


Dishes from two meals for the wife and me.  Normal cycle, High Temp and Heat Dry options, one scoop of Bubble Bandit in the main wash chamber, didn't purge the hot water line.


A few highlights: the workman's tumbler next to the white and blue Pyrex bowl in the upper rack was crusted with coffee and almond milk residue.  The clear Pyrex bowls in the front of the bottom rack were used to store and then reheat leftover baked chili cheese mac.  The white stoneware bowls at the back held steel-cut oats.  You might need to zoom the silverware basket image to see the difference.



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Post# 1024982 , Reply# 14   2/18/2019 at 02:36 (2,115 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        

Wow, I'm impressed.  Got to say I've NEVER put bowls in like you did with the chili thinking they would not come clean but that is great performance.  I'm starting the second year with my Kitchenaid and 99% of the time everything comes out great.  Glad to see the less expensive stuff works well too.


I've been thinking and wondering how closely WP works with the big detergent brands to garner the best performance.  Almost seems they work had in hand.

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