Thread Number: 78411  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
I month of use on new lwn432 SQ
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Post# 1024378   2/12/2019 at 11:08 (2,123 days old) by rancherman (nebraska)        

'Does what it is supposed to do'

Using the exact same soap, and amount used in my previous maytag centennial.. WITHOUT the off balance issues.
The clothes come out smelling like fresh cotton.. not remnant's of soap, or fragrance. Coming out of the dryer just seems 'softer' too.. Perhaps the soap is actually getting rinsed out?

About the only thing I want to verify; Water level.
This doesn't have the adjustable switch. just a preset one level.

What is considered 'full' on these? The level I'm seeing comes almost up to the second row of holes in the tub. If this is considered 'normal', I won't mess with it. But if It could used a little 'tweaking'...

I popped the top off, and there is no 'easy' adjuster such as found on the variable level models. There are (I think 4) plastic type plugs that are glued in the back of that switch with a red glue/sealant.
I'm still thinking about eventually putting in the variable switch and converting this machine, which would have the 'fine tune' adjuster in place.. But until then....

One month in... 239 to go!!

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