Thread Number: 78412  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
My first Speed Queen!
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Post# 1024383   2/12/2019 at 11:51 (2,078 days old) by Searsbest (Attleboro, Ma)        

searsbest's profile picture
Well, I did it! My first HE front load washer, and it's a Speed Queen!! Found this at my local Habitat re-store for 375.00$. John L. (Combo52) Confirmed my suspicion that it was worth the cost, I went and picked it up this morning! (Thank goodness it was still there!) I suspect the 375.00$ price tag scared the masses. Other than it being absolutely filthy, and full of dog hair..yuck! Must have been in a vet's office or a puppy parlor! They did cut the drain hose off but, no problem. This thing is fabulous! All (real) stainless cabinet, wash basket, and outer tub. Still fluffing, and buffing, but attached a few pics, can't wait to get washing! I will post more pics when it is cleaned up and installed.

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Post# 1024384 , Reply# 1   2/12/2019 at 11:58 (2,078 days old) by Searsbest (Attleboro, Ma)        

searsbest's profile picture
Quick overview, and 1200 rpm spin


Post# 1024399 , Reply# 2   2/12/2019 at 15:31 (2,078 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture

such a simple seriously rugged machine....WELL worth the price for that!...

probably the only one I would give up a Neptune for.....

Post# 1024407 , Reply# 3   2/12/2019 at 18:10 (2,078 days old) by EEMac (Olympia, WA)        

eemac's profile picture
Yes, that's a lot of pet hair in the rubber seal. But VERY nice machine, and a great deal. Those things are supposed to last forever!

Post# 1024440 , Reply# 4   2/13/2019 at 05:24 (2,078 days old) by Easyspindry (Winston-Salem, NC)        
Hey Searsbest . . .

. . . I got myself a SQ FL from Combo52 the last time he had the Wash-In. It's a great machine. Does exactly what it's supposed to do. Cleans well, rinses well, and spins the clothes nearly dry. You're gonna love your SQ.

Good luck and Happy Washing.

Jerry Gay

Post# 1025685 , Reply# 5   2/26/2019 at 07:27 (2,065 days old) by kakidd (Texas)        
Amazing Machines

Have had this washer and matching dryer since November of 2015. Great washer, fast cycles, excellent results! Enjoy!

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