Thread Number: 78419  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
DLEX4370 Error: D80 (Flow Sense)
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Post# 1024457   2/13/2019 at 09:57 (1,990 days old) by washerdude (Canada )        

Last night I was drying a load on heavy duty, high heat and normal dryness level. The load had a couple of shirts, 1 king size sheet, 1 fitted sheet and 1 sweater. The dryer turned off at some point and I just assumed that it was because the load was dried and it shut itself off (which the load was dried). However when I went to take the load out I noticed the screen had the error code "D80." And flow sense flashing.

Right away I knew it had something to do with air flow, so I took out the lint screen and oddly enough, there was normal lint accumulation and nothing severe at all. After cleaning out the lint trap I pressed power and started the dryer and it appeared to heat up fine and the drum turned and everything worked like normal.

Now there are some alarming things I've noticed in this dryer that I have never seen once in any of the dryers I've used in my life. First, the top of this dryer seems to get very very warm. Not the the point of burning but a lot warmer than the dryers I've used in the past. Another thing I've noticed is how water builds up between the door and seal. The door does fog up (like normal) but if I open the dryer door when its first turned on, the water will spill and drip down front bottom panel. I've never seen this once. The glass fogging up like I said before, is normal and I've seen it happen on my Kenmore/Samsung dryer which lived at our first house which we moved out of with out WP Duet. But that dryers glass only fogged up and never spilled and dripped water if the door was opened a couple of minutes after it was turned on.

Now venting is something that concerns me in this current house we have moved into. This is new construction. There are a total of FOUR elbows used. Two inside, and two in the wall. Plus the vent runs under the bathroom floor which is behind the laundry room in order to reach the exterior wall to vent the dryer. The dryer vent material consists of a semi rigid duct (cut to make it shorter) and the two elbows (prior stated) which are Whirlpool close elbows. One thing I've noticed is that at my old house and my rental house, both dryers were located near exterior walls with the venting wall either being directly behind or on the left wall. This vent has to travel a some distance in order to reach the exterior vent.

To add, I've also noticed this dryer DOES seem to take longer to dry clothes and hangs on the one minute mark during cool down for a fairly long time. I'd say this dryer takes anywhere from 45+ minutes to dry a normal sized load of laundry where as my previous dryers in previous locations took 30-35ish minutes. Odd because the washer spins at 1100+ RPM most of the time.

I'm going to try and straighten out the semi rigid duct today since that duct does do an upside down "U" shape to connect the dryer to the wall. Its going to be a challenge since the pipe that comes out of the at an angle and semi rigid duct would hit the dryers corner causing it not to go back all the way.

So what do you think? Is this normal for LG dryers? Or is it a clear venting issue?

Post# 1024458 , Reply# 1   2/13/2019 at 10:02 (1,990 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture
Try running the dryer with the exhaust disconnected and see if the dryer problem goes away, this is a very simple problem to figure out.

John L.

Post# 1024707 , Reply# 2   2/15/2019 at 16:45 (1,988 days old) by washerdude (Canada )        

I managed to make the semi rigid duct path as straight as it could be and removed one elbow connecting the duct to the wall. Now with the dryer on, it seems much louder than before and I can hear the air. I did a load of towels after and they all dried and the dryer did not seem to hang at the 1 minute mark as before. So I guess its fixed but only time will tell. There also was no "D80" code this time around nor did it seem to appear without the vent hose. Thanks!

Post# 1077542 , Reply# 3   6/17/2020 at 14:13 (1,500 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
normal cycle temp and airflow

Did you try running the normal cycle empty and energy saver disabled? How hot did it get and how powerful was the airflow? I guess it may explain why normal cycle uses medium heat for sturdy fabrics.

Post# 1077683 , Reply# 4   6/18/2020 at 10:37 (1,499 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Will this dryer let you measure temperature? I imagine this dryer has a powerful blower in there. I seem to be more interested in lg appliances.

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